I Tried the Daith Piercing
Migraines have been plaguing my life for almost twenty years now. I’ve had periods of relief but for the last year they’ve been back at least weekly.
After hearing about daith piercing for migraines, I decided to give it a try.
This post is solely meant to share my experience for informational purposes.

Daith Piercing for Migraines
It’s becoming sort of a trend lately. With an outrageous amount of people suffering from migraines–I think the last stat I read said 1 in 4 Americans suffer from Migraines–it’s no wonder we’re desperate for relief.
There is no science (yet) to back up the claim that the daith piercing helps migraines, but in my case I figured I didn’t have much to lose.
Plus, this is actually pretty cute. I can’t wait to play with new jewelry.
Why Would the Daith Piercing Help Migraines?
The theory on why the daith piercing can help migraines is based in acupuncture.
There is a pressure point that acupuncturists target located on the daith that has been found to relieve the pain caused by migraines and severe headaches.
Piercing this spot can sometimes provide the same or partial relief.
One of my close friends spent several months studying acupuncture in China, so I asked her opinion on this.
She said it’s definitely worth a shot. She also suggested that I pierce the same side the pain is on…

About My Migraines
Migraine symptoms can be really unique to an individual and since this daith piercing seems to help mine, I think it’s important you know exactly what mine are like.
- I always have an aura. It’s like a zig-zag line somewhere in my line of sight that starts sort of weak and then becomes so severe I can’t see at all. It lasts anywhere from 20-60 minutes.
- It is crucial I treat the migraine within this time. I find that 800 mg of Ibuprofen works the best. I am still fragile but able to function for the most part.
- Once the aura lifts, the pain hits and any pain treatments are futile.
- The pain is always on the right side of my head.
- I want to hold my head in my hands and squeeze tight–for some reason this feels amazing.
- 90% of the time I’m extremely light sensitive.
- Sometimes the pain is accompanied by nausea and/or dizziness.
Piercing the Daith
I called around to a couple of tattoo/piercing shops in my area and found Big Al’s Tattoo Piercing Gallery in Chicago Ridge, Illinois.
I spoke to several of the employees and they were all super friendly and somewhat familiar with daith piercing for migraines.
They made sure I knew there was no guarantee this would help my migraine symptoms and that only about half of the people they’ve tried this with have had some relief.

The lovely Hershey did my daith piercing. She was so sweet and attentive.
She asked me exactly what I wanted to be comfortable and asked what I’d like her to say as she’s doing the piercing.
I chose “take a deep breath.” (LOL) I honestly didn’t really know what to expect, but I’ve had some fairly sensitive areas pierced in the past so I wasn’t too concerned.
It didn’t hurt much at all. I guess everyone is different.
I felt a lot of pressure in the area and then a little pinch when we she put the jewelry in.
What was amazing was I felt INSTANT relief in my head. I intentionally got pierced with a migraine to really test this out.
The aura had already lifted and I did take 800 mg of Ibuprofen about an hour prior (during the aura)–which I would NOT suggest before a piercing due to possible issues with bleeding.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to actually get there and didn’t want to leave the migraine totally untreated because that renders me useless for days.
But I still had plenty of discomfort to feel a difference.

Initial Results
The migraine didn’t totally go away but I noticed definite relief. My head felt lighter as if some of the pain and pressure was alleviated.
I’m super interested to see how this daith piercing helps my migraines over the next few weeks.
I’ll definitely be back with a full report. 🙂
Like Big Al’s Tattoo Piercing Gallery on Facebook
Afraid to Get Pierced?
If you’re intimidated by the piercing process, you’re certainly not alone. If you’d rather try a supplement, I’ve had great success with
FINALLY! A doctor in London, Dr Chris Blatchley MB BChir, has put together a team of experts to conduct a study on the effectiveness of the daith piercing for migraine headaches.
If you’ve had the piercing done, please take his survey. It takes about 10 minutes. 🙂
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see his results and finally have some real data behind this. As soon as possible, I will share what I can.
Would you consider daith piercing for migraines?
Migraines are horrible. I have them on and off and have for quite some time. I do acupuncture for them and I have tried other things.
Hi Marureen,
Yes they are hideous. Did the acupuncture work for you?
I’m really interested in hearing if this works long term!
Luckily, change in eating and intermittent fasting have almost completely cured me (so far…)
But having another option would be great! (And you’re right. It looks cute lol)
Hey Nikki!
Thank you! And yeah, diet is big too, but lately I can’t figure out what I could be eating that would be causing them. It’s so frustrating! I’ll definitely give an update in a couple weeks. I’m keeping a migraine journal now to collect accurate data. 🙂
Gluten and Dairy are two main ones
The “gluten” thing is just the newest “diet fad” that people jump on. Very very very few people are allergic to gluten, but every manufacturer has decided to pronounce Gluten to be the new Devil of foods, because people read something from other uneducated people on Facebook and took it as gospel.
Bread (containing gluten) has been around since bread was invented (300 BC by the Egyptians) and there is no record of the whole population being afflicted by the Evil Gluten.
I agree, but it is real for some (and those on the GF bandwagon for ‘I feel better without it’ make those with true allergies seem like overprivileged whiners)! My mom had digestive issues for 5 years before being dx with celiac. She feels a lot better (as in, she can function!) on a 100% GF diet.
My migraines are 99% directly related to hormones. My mom and grandma got them at this same age, and they virtually stop by menopause.
You are spot on, however the US puts tons of chemicals on our wheat (specifically round-up to get the wheat to mature more quickly)so it is more likely than not my sensitivity is to that, unfortunately for me eating it is a migraine trigger.
We wheat doesnt look anything like it did back then. So slow down on the whole making pronouncments thing.
But it also might be whatever also comes with the gluten might be the allergen to. Soooooo ….
Yes I agree bread has been the no 1 staple diet of humans since the earliest agricultural history has shown us..( what with others ie corn,rice ect) but.. and there is quite a big but.. bread and other starchy foods, actually all food, as we know now in 21st century are very different to when they were discovered they could be grown/ farmed and changed/milled to form flour.. for a start the seeds and grains then were nothing like what we have now.. they were original and untampered with..
Apart from the whole “gmo versus organic food” quandry us consumers are faced with now.. wheat especially has been completely changed through the decades as mans greed increased.. wheat now has little resemblance to the original seed and bread has become so modified through intensive agricultural farming it is no longer a good staple food.. it holds little food value.. especially the mass produced shelf loaves, white bread being no more than calcium carbonate and what we call duff! Very bad for our bodies but tastes great! Bit like a drug tbh.. there is an increasing no of artisan bakeries who are going back to good old fashioned bread making and they offer all sorts of healthier bread options such as spelt and rye.. but.. it still comes from seeds that have been modified and changed over decades… theres more rubbish in wheat based products than we realise and thats why so many people are starting to have an intolerance… its basically the same with most food… cancer has been on the up in the last century.. I can only feel now its the food we are eating that is one of the major contributing factors for alot of illnesses, and illness makes big bucks for pharmaceutical companies and goverments…
We are what we eat.. oldest saying in the book but very true..
Dont get me wrong.. i love bread.. i crave it daily, never feel full or satisfied unless i eat it but it doesnt agree with my body at all.. when i eliminate it from my diet my energy and overall well being increases.. tried and tested.. nuff said..?
I’m on tablets everyday to stop the migraines prescribed by the doctor as mine were really bad, in 21 days I had 19 migraines.
I then started to keep a record of my diet and found weirdly that sweetcorn was a big cause of them too. Today I am goi g to get my daith pierced so fingers cross that will help too.
I am so glad you posted this. I have only been suffering from them for the past year but I’ve been in and out of the dr’s trying to get medicines to work and so far topemax is the only thing so far but I have to take it every day. I’m not really all that excited to have to take something every day for the rest of my life only at age 26. So I’m definitely thinking of giving this a try. I have my rook pierced so I’m sure it can’t be any worse pain wise than that was. Please email me
Hi Kelsey,
Ugh yeah, that’s a nightmare. I hate the idea of daily meds too. I try so hard to eat and live clean and then these stupid migraines just thwart all my good intentions. And I’ve never pierced any cartilage before so I don’t know how it would compare. But it really wasn’t bad. A little sore now, but if I get any kind of relief, it’s way worth it! I’ll definitely give an update in a few weeks! 😀
Be careful with topamax. I took it for a year for migraines. I started losing memories, I couldn’t remember where I was, and I even forgot the alphebet…
Did you have any kidney pain or blood in urine from topimax?
I took Topamax for about 18 months and they were the best virtually pain free months of my life. It is considered the migraine wonder drug and as long as you drink plenty of water each day, my neurologist told me, you shouldn’t have any kidney problems. BUT, once my body got used to it, my migraines came back. It is a drug used for epilepsy at a higher dose but 200mg is the maximum you can take per day for migraine. Once you’ve been taking that for a while and your body becomes immune, the doctors just wean you off and try something else. I’m at a loss!
I get migraines all the time! However, I’ve kind of narrowed it down to changes in the weather. It seems if I am somewhat proactive, I can ward them off. That piercing looks painful. Is it? Is it hard to sleep on that side? 🙂
I am glad it’s at least lessened the pain for you. Migraines completely incapacitate me, which you know is horrible when you are trying to work.
Hey Jodi! Yeah, mine seem to be triggered by hormones, weather, stress, lack of sleep, tension, and I don’t even know. lol Sometimes too strong of a perfume can bring one on!
The piercing is sore right now but really not bad. I don’t normally sleep on that side anyway so it’s not a big deal, but I did roll over last night and I noticed it only because it is sore. Otherwise the jewelry rests INSIDE my ear so it’s not like a noticeable bump or something. Once it’s fully healed I don’t think I will notice it at all.
I’m so glad I don’t have migraines. I hope this helps you with yours.
I am so interested to hear how this works for you long term. I’ve had migraines since I was 10 (and I’m 58 now!).
Oh my gosh Debbie! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering for so long! Has anything ever helped?
I had them for 50 years, went to dr gave me iberstatin, blood pressure med, even though I didn’t have high B.P. It works , sister takes it also, spent 1,000 on drs
Wow this is so interesting. I do believe in acupuncture and acupressure, so this is definitely worth a shot. I do not get migraines often, but my daughter and sister do, especially with stress.
Have you ever heard that the piercings would help with anxiety?
huh wonder what about guys
I am 46 yrs old man and I suffer with the debilitating migraine headaches. I lose all ability to talk like a grown man. I lose my eyesight for sometime a hour. Fingers go numb and so does my arms. I’ve been on all kinds of meds including Zomig and Imitrex. I can’t take the (sumatriptians), I am allergic to them. I was on a nasal spray called Sprix but now insurance will no longer pay for the medicine so no I’m looking for alternatives to help with my migraine headaches. I seen this article and I’m concedering getting a daith peircing myself but would like to know the long term advantages of it .
Hi Bobbie,
I too, would sometimes lose my vision completely for several minutes to an hour. It was so terrifying. I’m happy to report that it’s been a year and 2 months and I’m still migraine-free. I had a handful of minor headaches but nothing compared to what I was experiencing before the piercing.
I wish I could tell you more about long term results, but it’s different for everyone. I do know of a doctor doing a study, and will report back with more information as soon as I have it!
Best wishes!
I am 46 yrs old man and I suffer with the debilitating migraine headaches. I lose all ability to talk like a grown man. I lose my eyesight for sometime a hour. Fingers go numb and so does my arms. I’ve been on all kinds of meds including Zomig and Imitrex. I can’t take the (sumatriptians), I am allergic to them. I was on a nasal spray called Sprix but now insurance will no longer pay for the medicine so no I’m looking for alternatives to help with my migraine headaches. I seen this article and I’m concedering getting a daith peircing myself but would like to know the long term advantages of it .
Thanks for the reply
I find this to be very interesting. I am glad that it has worked for you and hope you continue to feel some relief from the migraine’s pain.
Migraines suck, so it is great to hear that this helped you! Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
Very interesting info on a topic I know very little about. Thanks!
I belong to a migraine group on Facebook and while I can say I’m not nearly as bad as some of the strong people in there, I do suffer from my fair share of headaches and migraines, especially when menstruation, medication withdrawal, and weather comes into play. I’ve heard about this and am anxious to give it a try!
Hi Shelly, great article, I am interested in following how this piercing helps you along the way. I am a migraine sufferer and it really sucks when one hits I am out of action for days. Cant wait for your future posts.
Hi Annette,
Sorry to hear you suffer too! So far, it’s been pretty great. I’m getting all the same migraine symptoms but NO HEADACHE which for me is definitely the worst part. I’ll be sharing my whole daily journal in just a couple weeks to show what the first month has been like. 🙂
Hi Shelly ,l was wondering if you have heard anyone talk about getting their ears pierced for Anxiety and not just for migraines? Thanks! Becky Wood
Hi Becky!
You’re not the first to ask this… and I am not sure. My sister suffers from terrible anxiety so I’m trying to get her to be the guinea pig. 🙂
We’ll report back soon!
I make this heart earring for a daith piercing and it’s so much easier to put in because it opens at the bottom.
I’m 22 years old, I’ve suffered with chronic migraines since I was 3. I got this peircing done a couple weeks ago, and haven’t had a headache yet. I HIGHLY recconmend getting this done. So worth it
OMG Liv! That’s amazing! I’m so happy to hear you’ve had good results!
Sick of migraines to booked into have piercing done this afternoon
Hi Katie!
How are you doing now?
Has it helped ?
I’ve suffered from debilitating migraines since I was 18, I’m now 42. I’ve gotten good at staying away from foods that trigger them, but my cycle brings them on every month and stress is a huge contributor as well. They typically last 2-3 days, and I do take Topiramate every day to help, but I hate taking daily meds. Question: Is anyone on this thread in the medical profession with this piercing? I’ve been told I can’t have a daith piercing because I use a stethoscope every day. I’m off for the next month, but I was told it takes way longer than that to heal, and it’ll never heal if I’m always shoving a stethoscope in and out of my ear. Anyone know if this is true? I’d LOVE to try this piercing. I’m desperate for relief! And as others have said, even if it doesn’t work, it’s still a cute piercing.
Hi Dawn,
That’s a very good question! I imagine that might be difficult. I don’t work in the medical field, but I do have a hard time with ear buds. I wonder if there is a flat-bottomed piece of jewelry that you could use?
If not, that’s an idea for someone to make!
I hope someone has an answer!
There’s definitely a flat bottomed one! Go to any place that sells piercing jewelry and they will have them.
I’m curious about the fact that you are having all the other symptoms but no headache. I always just assumed the other symptoms were caused because of the headache, but I also don’t have the aura beforehand, it comes during the headache.
Hi Molly,
Oh awesome! I will have to find a flat bottomed piece of jewelry asap! 🙂
Yeah, it seems everyone’s migraines are super unique. Kinda interesting/creepy knowing how much we DON’T know about human brains. :/
My daughter got a horseshoe ring for her daith piercing. Since it is opened, might be more conducive for stethoscope.
I have had migraines since I was 6 years old. I shave tried every med and now I’m doing the Botox which is sometimes helping but then I have herniated disc in my neck that donnt help the migraines either. I was thinking about getting the Daith piercing done in the next couple weeks to see if that would help. I just didn’t know how painful it is? My migraines have been bad awful thelast week. Sometimes the weather change brings them on.
Hi Brandi,
Ugh, yeah the weather can be a nightmare for migraines. 🙁
As for the pain of the piercing, it’s not terrible. Especially when you compare it to the pain of migraines.
I hope you find relief! Let us know what you decide to do. Best of luck!
I suffer from chronic migraines. I got my daith pierced last May and it seemed like a miracle. I did have a friend who told me she had had it done to quit smoking years ago and it only worked for about 3 months. Sure enough, in August the headaches came back, but now they’re worse than ever. I’m on 200mg Topamax/day and still having 3 or 4 headaches a week. About to do occipital nerve blocks now.
Hi Stacey,
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear they came back! 🙁 I hope you find a permanent solution.
I have suffered with hemiplegic migraines for years. Medications didn’t work and the migraines were ruining my life. Out of sheer desperation i got my daith pierced 4 months ago. Best decision ever i sometimes get migraine symptoms but NO HEADACHE and they are less frequent.
Hi Chantelle!
Oh that’s so great to hear! I had the same result! 🙂
Does it matterms which side to get it on
I’ve had migraines my whole life. I’ve had my piercing since 11/4/16 and haven’t had a migraine since then. Thank god! ?
So happy some of us are finding relief!
I’ve had migraines for about 3 years now 18 y/o guy, my biggest trigger was cheese (love that stuff) I tried topamax and amitriptaline (not sure on that spelling) neither one of those worked. So for the past two years I pretty much just cut out cheese and felt with the migraines when I got them. They were horrible….. I stumbled upon this post about 3 months ago and decided to do it… I had a migraine the day I went in to the shop to get it done (after 2 hours in bed) the SECOND the needle went through my ear my migraine went AWAY gone not there it was incredible. I get mine on the front half of my head so I decided to pierce the side I didn’t sleep on. I have NOT HAD A SINGLE MIGRAINE since. I’ve been eating cheese pretty much non stop now lol for three months and I’ll still get a very very very incredibly mild headache afterwords but it’s not noticeable unless I’m thinking about it. Doesn’t even look that bad on me and didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. My life has turned around after getting the faith piercing.
Hi John!
Sounds like we had a very similar experience. I’m so happy to hear you’re doing so well and able to enjoy cheese again! LOL 😀 Pizzas for days!!!!
Thank you for sharing!
It’s been a while. Can you update your progress?
I suffer from hemoplegic migraines I’m currently having 1 a week maybe 2. I’m unsure what causes it. The docs put me on topomax which to be honest I personally think make my head worse at times. I’m thinking of getting this piercing..is it still working for people or had the relief been temporary?
Just had a friend do this three days ago. She had the same experience as one of your other bloggers. As soon as the piercing happen, she felt immediate relief. I am 54 years old. I have literally tried everything since I was 18. I have had several MRI’s, CAT scans etc. I gave myself shots for over 10 years. I also did Botox for over a year. I now take Rizatriptan Benzoate about 3 days a month. I will say to women that mine subsided thru menopause stage.
I am going to do this piercing in the next few days if I can keep my nerve up.
thanks to all for their info.
Hi Tamra!
Ugh, so sorry to hear you’ve suffered for so long! I hope you find wonderful results with this piercing! Let us know how it goes!
Best wishes,
Shelley 🙂
DI’d you get the daith piercing? I have been thinking bout it myself. I had brain an spine surgery twice in 5 years. I have about 18 migraines a month. I take pain meds an lots of maxalt a month an need some relief. I can’t have botox or acupuncture due to no skull in back of head. Please let me know if the piercing was painful an if it has helped.
Im getting mines this weekend im really nervous even though I have other piercings. I really shouldn’t be scared. Ive been having migraines since I was 13 I’m now 42 so I’m praying that this works because medicine does nothing for me. I’m on topamax and it doesn’t work I take excidrine migraine and that work sometime. I’m tired of taking pills
Hi Camille,
So sorry you’ve been suffering for so long! I hope this works for you!!!
Best wishes!
Shelley 🙂
I am looking into doing this. My Doctor told me to try it. I have had migraines since I was 18 and I am 68 now! I have been everywhere and tried everything. Botox, medicines. the neurologist told me I would have to learn to live with the pain. This past year and a half has been a nightmare!!!! I am down for three to four days every week. I am so depressed by this way of living. I am praying this will at least give me some kind of relief. I want my life back!
Hi Karon,
Oh my gosh! My heart goes out to you! What a horrible way to spend so many years! I really hope this helps you!
Let us know how it goes!
I’m on tablets everyday to stop the migraines prescribed by the doctor as mine were really bad, in 21 days I had 19 migraines.
I then started to keep a record of my diet and found weirdly that sweetcorn was a big cause of them too. Today I am goi g to get my daith pierced so fingers cross that will help too.
Hi Hazel,
That’s so interesting about the sweetcorn. That’s a lot of migraines, I hope you find relief! Let us know how your piercing goes!
Corn is in everything too 🙁 look at your food labels! High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, corn starch, anything that says corn basically.
I have delt with migraines for well over 10 years. I’ve been on preventive, shots and every other thing out there. I woke up with headaches , couldn’t function in life. Recently I ran into a lady who told me about the daith piercing…it’s been almost a month now and not one headache!! I am so thankful for this…I would advise anyone to try it…it may not work for everyone but it has for me…
Hi Catrena!
So happy to hear it worked for you too!!! 😀
I never suffered from migraines which must be he’ll. I do suffer severely from anxiety. I’ve tried from meds to psychiatrists. Wondering if anyone Had experience with the piercing for anxiety. Also I’m a bit of a scaredy cat with low pain tolerance. I have had my ears done but that’s it. Also is it tough for sleeping.
Uh oh… that’s means I am up to the plate. I am the one with anxiety and I have to get mine pierced to test it!!! (SO SCARED) LOL
YESSSS!!! Jennifer is the next guinea pig! I’ve been telling her she needs to try it!
I have been considering having this done for my daughter and myself ever since I heard about it a few months ago. I’m glad that I stumbled upon this blog and read all of the comments.
My daughter and I both have a disease called Dystonia (related to Parkinson’s disease.) Severe migraines are just one horrible symptom of this disease. I have had the migraines all of my life (44 years.) My daughter has had them all of her life too (15 years.) Her’s have gotten worse with puberty. She is on a daily dose of topamax and now taking carbadopa/levodopa for the Dystonia as well. Last week I had to take her to the ER twice for an IV cocktail of Toradol, Benadryl and prochlorperazine. She had had the migraine for 2 weeks straight the first time I took her in. They were able to reduce the migraine with the medications, but it came back on stronger. After the second visit to the ER, the migraine was still somewhat there and started to come back. That is when the neurologist put her on the medication for the Dystonia. That has helped her somewhat. I have never found anything to really help my migraines other than an ice pack on my neck and rest. My grandmother gave me a bottle of Tifu Oil (sold by Nature’s Sunshine) once and told me to rub it on my forehead and temples when I got a headache. Sometimes it does help if the headache is in the front. My migraine and my daughters migraines move around. Sometimes they are on just one side other times it is in the front or in the back or even the whole head.
We have a very strong family history of migraines in my family. My boys also get them, although their’s are much less frequent. But on my mom’s side of the family, every female tends to get them. My brother also got them quite frequently. And medications rarely work for any of them either.
Interestingly enough, when I took my son and daughter in for a visit with their neurologist in December, I asked him about having the daith pierced. There was another doctor tagging along with him that day. The other doctor said that he had heard good things about having this piercing done. They both felt that it would be worth looking into.
I am going to find somewhere in the Kansas City area to have this done for both of us. I will let everyone know the results.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for sharing your story! I super hope you and your daughter find relief with this piercing! It would be such a simple fix, rather than all those meds!
Please, follow up and let us know how you’re both doing!
All my best,
I would like to hear from someone whom has had this done and in for at least a month! I’ve suffered from age 24 now 53 have been put on everything hate it all! Only thing that never made me sick was methadone and a excedrine everyday to prevent! Who wants to be a drug addict not me! Please let me know! I get more stupid after each migraine! I can’t take the pain anymore at times I’d rather be dead! No one understands unless you suffer! Please let me know! My daughter and my should have been daughter is thinking about going next week I want to go get it too! I’m poor can’t waste another dime! Need answer! Love to all!
Hi Theresa,
Please find links at the bottom of this post to my one and six month updates. I will be sharing my results after one year in just a couple weeks as well. 🙂
I’m suffering from migrane since 15years.Do this daith piercing work for me.does it hurts alot?
Hi Pushyami,
There’s no guarantee it will work for you, but it might be worth a try.
As for the pain of the piercing, it definitely hurts less than a migraine! 🙂
I wish you the best!
I have suffered from migraines for 32 years. I have tried everything (meds, cutting out certain foods and wine, etc). I had some form of a headache every day for 32 years. I got my daith pierced 4 months ago and I am thrilled to say I have not had a single headache since!!!
Hi Jodi!
YAYAYA!!!! So happy to hear it worked for you too! 😀 😀 😀
I want to try this it’s totally worth a shot, I have one question what gauge earring did Hershey use? I’m wondering if the thickness makes a difference I would suspect it might….I’m also going to research the acupuncture spot on the daith to if you have any good links. I want to know as much as I can but even if it doesn’t work it’s adorable!
Hi Lara,
I have a 16 gauge in there. And, I can’t say too much yet, but there is a doctor putting together a study and will update as soon as possible! SUPER EXCITING STUFF!!!
I’m having center headache temples center of the head and the right side I’ve hade it for 6 months day there called ice pick headache any help would do please
Hi Barney,
I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about. But it sounds awful. Have you seen a doctor? With this piercing, there is no guarantee that it will help anyone, but might be worth a try?
Best wishes!
If you can respond did you get both ears pierced? And are you still migraine free I’ve had headaches for going on for years now and this last one last about a month I need to know if something like this would really help before I do it I would greatly appreciate your reply back . I’m so happy to hear that it’s helping you so far and I hope he continues to help you
Did you seriously just call it “I B Profen”?!? OMG
OMG KIM! How embarrassing. You’re totally right. We can thank my Gram for that. She still says it like that and even though I KNOW the proper spelling, sometimes it just comes out like that. LOL!
Hi I have just had the piercing done today for my migraine and am just wondering if you could tell me how u got on with it please
I have had migraines for the past 4 years and they are horrible! I tried acupuncture and other things but still nothing worked. What has worked for you guys?
I have had migraines for over 30 years, some of them lasting close to a month with no relief. I have tried all the meds available and nothing works. My daughter has been trying to convince me to get a faith piercing. Only one problem… I have a phobia of needles! Do they freeze the faith area before piercing it. Really interested in finding something that works!
Hi Trish,
Oh, I understand phobias… thankfully needles don’t bother me. But, I would suggest calling a piercer and asking what they might be able to do for you. My daith wasn’t frozen before hand, but if it’s any consolation, it was SO FAST. I think I was in the chair, with prep and everything, for less than 10 minutes. And, since it’s IN your ear, you can’t see the needle… Maybe you could psych yourself up?
Try not to stress though! Don’t want to bring on a migraine when the whole goal is preventing them! 😉
Let us know what you decide to do!
Good luck!
Shelley 🙂
I have been suffering with migraines for years. I have been on so many meds. I have had a couple people tell me about this but they don’t have migraines to tell me if it really helps. My concern is that I keloid with cuts and wondered if anyone has this problem to know if it will be effected
I want to have this piecing done. So tired of migraines. Am suffering now. Am afraid of the pain. Or it not working .I am sensitive to earrings when sleeping. But so ready to give it a try.
I’m curious to know if I’m going to have any relief, would I have felt it by now? Had my piercing 2 days ago and 2 days of headaches. Have had horrible migraines for probably 30 yrs which is why I had it done. Do I need to give it time before I’d have relief?
Hi Jodi,
There’s really no guarantee it will work. I had relief right away, but again, that’s just me. Are your headaches on one side? If so, what side did you get pierced?
🙁 I hope you start feeling better soon!
Typically on the left so I had it pierced on the left. Piercing was done 4 days ago and today is the first day I have no headache. Hoping today is just the start of relief!
Do you have to have both ears pierced? I’ve been suffering for migraines for at least 3 to 4 years and I’m 38 now going on 39 my last migraine last me almost a month I have done everything to help my migraines with this last migraine a few friends even complete strangers have told me about the daith piercing that helps with migraines. I’m desperate and wanting to try it if it actually works I’m so afraid of needles so this frightens me but willing to try it if it helps
I just got mine pierced on both sides yesterday during a raging migraine and I experienced immediate relief as well. Here’s hoping that it lasts!
I’m sorry but if you can take ibuprofen and it helps your headache, it’s not a migraine.
Having a migraine leaves you light sensitive and you certainly don’t want anything to touch your head. Full blown migraines require–dark, cool room and taking a Triptan, like Imitrex or Maxalt.
You’re probably having tension headaches.
If you read my symptoms I have all those as well. I was clinically diagnosed at the age of 13 with migraines with aura. Imitrex, Maxalt, and several other prescription meds only intensified my pain, or didn’t work at all. It wasn’t until I was in the ER and they gave me an injection of ibuprofen that I had some relief. For me, it’s been the only thing that helps. I understand everyone is different. However, these were unmistakably migraines.
Not everyone finds relief in the same way and not all symptoms are identical. I have over the years uffered from three different types of severe headaches and I know the difference between them. There are tension headaches which are throbbing and more central, often located in front between the eyes. They are often accompanied by stiff sore neck and shoulders and blurred vision. Then there are nerve headaches, which are caused by a nerve in the neck getting pinched between the muscles. This is easily as severe as a migraine, butthe position is usually at the lower back of the head and is not presuaged by an aura, nor does it cause nausea. Migraines are usually (though not always) preceded by an aura (coloured zigzag, bright spots, coloured rings or similar). They are located on one side of the head (although is has been recorded that it can effect both sides at once) and are accompanied by nausia, vomiting, light sensitivity and possibly disorientation. The order and intensity of these symptoms vary from person to persn, but none of these types of headaches are something I would wish on any one.
Hi! I read your blog post about the success you’ve had with the daith piercing. I’ve had migraines for almost 5 years now, where everyday for let’s say 3 weeks I get headaches, and then it stops for a certain time, like another 3 weeks and then it starts again and it’s just a repetitive cycle. After reading your post, I debated doing it. Well, two days ago, I did it. I went in with a headache and I have to say that it did alleviate some of the pressure in my head. My question for you, though, is did you still get headaches right after getting the piercing? Because I still feel them, not as bad as before, but they’re there and I don’t know if it’s from the migraines I normally get or if it’s being caused from the actual piercing because I know some ear piercings can cause headaches due to just being pierced in the first place. I just want to know more or less if this is something that may have happened to you as well. Thank you for your blog post because getting the piercing did help relieve some of the pressure I was having! 🙂
Hi Denisha!
I, too, got pierced during a migraine and had immediate partial relief. That first week I had some soreness in the piercing area and it felt like the headaches were “trying” to come, but never really did. Now I have none. I will still occasionally get an aura but still no headache. I hope that helps answer your question! Best of luck! 🙂
Migraines and diet allergies are definitely linked, but finding the trigger food is becoming increasingly difficult with all the additives these days. Way back (40 years?), when food was more organic, it was a lot easier to pinpoint the source.
In my case it was cream – any form of cream including full cream milk or yoghurt and (poss. Psychlogical) even Orly Whip. My sister, believe it or not, had (and still has) a problem with eggs. Not too bad if she uses only the whites in baking etc, but forget boiled, fried, poached, scrambled or omelettes – instant megraine onset. Must suggest this to her.
I have been having migraines since I was 13 ever since I had a car accident I am now 47 an have decided I am getting this peircing next week as i have had another episode an i am done with the pain of it all. Will let you know how it goes truthfully hopping it works
My daughter has had on going migraines for several years now she is 17 I’m thinking about getting this done I have heard nothing but good coming from this. But I do have some questions. Do you have to use a hoop style? Do you you only do one ear? And does it make a difference what ear you do? It so hard to watch her cry when these come on.she is on medication for them now but I really hate the thoughts of her staying on them for long
Hi Sherrie,
More research is definitely needed (I know of a doctor putting together a study… YAY!) BUT, I can tell you from my experience, that the the horseshoe style earring was the easiest to keep clean. I got my right ear pierced because my migraines were always on the right. I hope you guys have the best results!
So…. it was because of this write up that I tried the daith piercing. And so far, almost a month and no pain. What’s even weirder is that I get the most intense period cramps. I mean like can’t-move-tears-in-my-eyes pain for the first 2 days. I’m on day 3 and have just realised I had no pain!!! Wondering if the daith helped?
WOAH! I’ve never heard that before! I get horrendous cramps too and the daith piercing did nothing for that. But I’m so happy to hear of your relief! That’s amazing!!! 😀
That’s such good news. I suffer from migraines. Worst always being the day before my period. I had my faith pierced last week. I had no symptoms of me period, no migraine and no cramps. Hope that this continues
My son had it done and has not had a Migraine since. I studded the Marshal Arts and pressure points and know it works.
I’m 37 yrs old I have been suffering from migraines for a long time just recently started having them so servere that I thought I was having a stroke the whole left side of my body was paralyzed the hospital told me I was having migraines so I just got the piercing done today I’m hoping and praying that it works
Shelly, will the piercing help with a headache I have all day everyday for most of my life? I don’t think they are migraines tho.
As I’m doing research about daith piercing, I’m getting mixed reviews from people. idk if it really helps migraines.
There is a site that says something different. Really confused now.
I was wondering if you need to get the piercing on the side you have the headaches. I sleep on that side so it would be uncomfortable. Thank you for this great article.
Best thing i have learned so far on headached is candida (yeast build up in the body) mold is bad right well what we consume has tons of it especislly if it isnt organic meats ! I stopped drinking alcohol and eating carbs even starchy veggies snd most fruits ! They have books snd cleanses on this subject! But still would love to get my daith pierced!!! I am a believer!
I have taken every med under the sun for my migraines from DHE45 injections to imitrex and zomeg which have triptans I found im EXTREMELY allergic- all vision is lost and feels like a big man is squeezing my heart so…..have been on propranolol and handfulls of excedren migraine and motrin with no results my dr today suggested this “DAITH” peircing. …….lets give it a try! What jave I got to lose but a migraine!