Walgreens Healthcare Clinics Make Life Easier

Could Have Skipped the ER
I can tell you exactly when I could have used a
Not thinking about common sense at all, I was rubbing them pretty aggressively. I ended up with actual raised blisters on my eyeballs. When I looked in the mirror I thought I had mucus buildup on my eyes…. nope… there were raised sacs of fluid.
Every time I blinked they felt like they might pop. Holy panic attack. This was after my eye doctor’s hours, and no other physicians that I could think of would be around on a Friday night either. We went to the emergency room and sat there for a few hours.

Long story short… the doctor said it was “chemosis” due to severe irritation. He was so calm about it and acted like it was no big deal at all. He diagnosed some prescription eye drops and sent me on my way. The story doesn’t end here — we then spent 3 more hours trying to find a pharmacy that had the eye drops. Seriously?!!!
Since the ER doctor was so nonplussed by my eye problem, it’s probably something my local

Walgreens Healthcare Clinics
I stopped at a

They also offer vaccines, physicals, screenings and testings. Treatments are available for a variety of illnesses, aches, pains, and skin conditions. Ongoing health conditions can be monitored at the facility, as well. All of this with no appointment. If you don’t want to chance a line, check their website first. It will tell you how long the wait is.
Check-in looked like a breeze all via touchscreen computers. There was a

I was pleased to see that they offer vaccines for pneumonia and shingles. I have heard of at least four people (friends of family) who have come down with shingles over the last year. Each one claims that it’s the worst pain of their lives. Makes me definitely consider getting vaccinated!
I think most of us can agree that you don’t often get sick during office hours. I know I never do. It’s always at night or during the weekend. Or, even if you do, the doc usually can’t see you right away. By the time of your appointment, you are either better, or made other arrangements (like the hospital!). Thankfully,
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Definitely check out the new
I just can’t get over how awesome this is! So convenient!
Yikes on that eye condition.. I would freak out too.. that must have been the longest 3 hours in the waiting room ever!
I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve been a healthcare administrator for 10+ years and I moved to Chicago last August and still have NOT found a primary care physician. Walgreens healthcare clinics would be the perfect option for me!
It’s hard to find a good one! My Gram has lived here for 80 years and still doesn’t have one — mainly because she doesn’t like any of them. :/ LOL
This is a great option for those simple problems that you don’t need to go to the ER for, like sinus infections. There have been times I have been sitting in the ER with my kids who are seriously accident prone and I see someone else there with a sinus infection and think, “Wouldn’t you rather have a shorter wait time????” Of course, we do have a really good primary care doctor so that helps.
Excellent point! If you aren’t too serious at the ER you will wait forever. This is definitely a better option.
i can’t wait until ct gets the healthcare clinics at our walgreens. we NEEd them.
How convenient is that to visit the clinic and immediately pick up a prescription if needed?!! I am calling my store today to see where the nearest one is!
I do not have this where I am at yet, but I would go and visit this clinic because I have a Walgreens very close to my house. I think this is a great thing to have because if you need a prescription for something then you can get it filled right there!
OMG, your poor eye! I had a look at their price list, and I could see this being an option for those who are uninsured if there aren’t other low-cost clinics around, or depending on what you need – at first glance, some of their treatments appear to be cheaper than the flat rate of a walk-in clinic in my area, for example.
Wow, this looks like an awesome option! Super convenient too!
OUCH about your eye! I didn’t even know that could happen! I’m glad it wasn’t a big deal. I’ve been to our take care clinic for my asthma &am impressed with all of the new service additions since becoming the healthcare clinic!
I love how this works for I know many people that take advantage of Walgreens Clinics. I am glad your eye is ok!
I visit our local Walgreens for my flu shot every fall, never thought about using them for the clinic. That would have saved me some time during our last visit to the urgent care!
I have used these clinics. It is such a help. A dr visit adds up quickly.
I usually go to Walgreens when I need to buy over the counter medications. I am glad to know they offer other services that might come in handy.
i love that Walgreens offers healthcare clinics. They are very helpful and quick depending on what you are going for.
I use these clinics to get mt flu shot, no waiting
OMG I cannot even believe that you got blisters ON YOUR EYEBALLS. I’m so allergic to everything and I itch my eyes like crazy too. Either my eyeballs are tougher than yours, or you rub harder than I do. Either way, I’m going to rethink rubbing my eyeballs next time I have an allergy attack! YUCK!
Yep, I almost passed out! Really freaked me out!!! And if you Google “Chemosis”… mine wasn’t even that bad. It can be SO MUCH worse! Don’t rub your eyes.
I’m never rubbing my eyes again! Sorry that happened to you, and I’m glad it’s easily fixed with eye drops. And I hope the Walgreens near me adds a healthcare clinic, as it sounds so convenient. I really love that you can check the wait time before going!
Oh, I’m so sorry you had to go through that! It sounds terrible. The other day I rubbed my eye and it started to puff up too. I immediately went to the sink, rinsed out my eye, put in some drops and applied ice. I think it was a minor infection, because by the evening it went down.
Diana C
Thanks! Glad you were able to stop yours without having to go to the ER. Glad to know ice works, too!
Wish I’d known about this a long time ago – it could have spared us several totally unnecessary trips to the ER and THOUSANDS of dollars!
I’m kicking myself because there are like four Walgreen within a mile of us! Oh well, better late than never. Thanks for sharing!