PMS Sea Salt Soak Recipe
Sea salt is a hot item right now. Sprinkle it on your food, scrub with it, or soak in it. Today I will share a pampering recipe that us ladies can appreciate once a month. That’s right – PMS. Let’s talk about that ever-so-pleasant topic, shall we? I received a book for review purposes and purchased the ingredients myself. This post contains affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

I am convinced that my uterus is out to destroy me. Perhaps it’s punishing me for not having children. Although, my sister has similar issues, and she has kids, so I guess that’s not it. Whatever the case, PMS has turned into a special sort of hell. I am not even exaggerating when I say that it ruins days of my month. Thank goodness I work from home because I’d be calling in sick way too often.
Homemade Bath Bombs, Salts & Scrubs – 300 Natural Recipes for Luxurious Soaks
The book that I received is called Homemade Bath Bombs, Salts & Scrubs – 300 Natural Recipes for Luxurious Soaks by Kate Bello. I feel like I need to say this book is not designed to treat any ailments. Always visit your doctor when you are experiencing medical problems.
I love the way the book is set up. At the beginning of the book, it tells you about the benefits, what you will need, and other important info. After that, it gets straight to the recipes, no fluff in between. I appreciate that. Once you know the hows and whys, it’s easy to go right to the recipe you’d like to make and get busy.

The book contains recipes for all sorts of ailments and purposes. Obviously, anyone can use these recipes. You do not need to be suffering to enjoy a good sea salt soak. However, there’s lots of amazing blends of ingredients in this book to help alleviate allergies, arthritis, inflammation, and so much more. There’s chapters on skin & beauty, astrology (soaks for your sign), pregnancy, and even blends for men. Ladies, there’s even a DIY cellulite sea salt soak! There’s so many that I plan to try.
Soaking in a hot bath when you have PMS can be rather soothing. There are a few different recipes for PMS and painful periods. I decided to try PMS Salt Soak 3, which is on page 53 of the book. This mix is designed to help reduce depression and irritability. I made half of what the recipe calls for since it makes a huge batch.

PMS Sea Salt Soak Recipe
- 1 cup Dead Sea salts
- 1/2 cup Himalayan salts
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1/2 cup French green clay
- 3 drops bergamot essential oil
- 3 drops chamomile essential oil

Note: The recipe calls for 5 drops of each essential oil. But, lots of luck dropping in a 1/2 a drop. So, I just did 3 drops of each instead.

Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container. I used jelly jars. Then, at an attempt of being a repurposer, I used an old non-dairy creamer container. Hey, it’s not gorgeous, but it works.
Find this sea salt soak recipe and so many more in the book.
I love to soak in the tub while listening to music and have candles lit.
I love to soak in the tub, with candles lit, lights off and soft music playing.
A hot shower and soft music.
I go lie in my hammock, with a good book.
I like a long soak in the tub with a good book.
I relax by taking a nice long hot bath!
I go to a coffee shop. 🙂
I love a good long soak with a good book!
I like to relax with a trip to a spa. Its a rare treat to myself!
My favorite way to relax and unwind is to sit outside and read a book.
I like to relax by taking hot baths!
I can pretty much only use Sea salt and when I make scrubs I do make a salt scrub
Long run, bubble bath after
Cuddling up on the couch watching a movie with my husband.
I love a hot bath with candles and either a good book or a recorded book to listen to.
My favorite way to relax is a hot bubble bath!!! I’d love to try out some of these neat recipes!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!! 🙂
I like to read a good book while sitting outside on my porch.
My favorite way to relax is to put on some soothing music and have a glass of wine.
Soaking in a warm bath sound great right about now! I hate PMS too, but I am going to try this next month to help me relax! Thanks so much!Oh and I am dropping in from Treasure Box Tuesdays, I am so happy that I clicked your link!
Gina Marie from Always Savory
A good book and a hot cup of tea!
I love a quiet soak in the tub (when the kids actually leave me alone) or sometimes I like to relax out in my wood shop, there’s something about power tools that make me at peace with the world 🙂
My favorite way to relax and unwind is go for a swim.
Glass of wine and watch Judge Judy on DVR
A good book, cup of tea and a cat on my lap.
Thanks for the contest.
I like to sit somewhere and read a good book, or soak in the tub with salts and mineral oils. I also enjoy kicking back and watching a good documentary 🙂
I love a cup of hot tea and a good book.
Thank you so much for sharing on our Living with Style Linky Party. Please come back next Wednesday!
Lisa @
My favorite way to relax is to read.
hot bath and a good book
I take a long, hot bath.
I like to read to relax!
I love taking a nice hot bath to relax.
A nice hot shower and reading a good book!! Think I’ll do that tonight.
I love to soak in a nice hot bath. Add in some nice soothing music, maybe a glass of wine. ahhh
I like to do Sudoku while soaking in a hot bath.
Bath, music & the fireplace the hubby puts on tv to play.
My favorite is laying in a hammock with an easy read, and maybe a glass of wine.
My favorite way to unwind is by taking a hot bath with candles lit in the bathroom!
My favorite way to relax and unwind is to eat tasty snacks.
I love to relax outside with a book and some coffee!
i love to relax in my rocker on the front porch enjoying the weather