Flea Problems in the House – Creep Factor Level 10

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Chewable Flea and Tick 12 Week Protection is Here #12Bravecto

Thinking about flea problems in the house gives me the serious heebie-jeebies. But, you know what? We should overthink fleas. It’s better to freak yourself out over the idea of fleas in the house than to deal with an issue once it happens. If you think fleas are just a couple of small insects to kill on your dog, you are extremely misinformed. Once you see fleas on your dog, it’s safe to assume your house is loaded with flea eggs. Ugh, ready to crawl out of your skin yet?

Flea Problems in the House - Creep Factor Level 10

Flea Problems in the House – I’d Rather Move

I am trying to take the dogs on walks more regularly. It’s difficult for me to take all of the dogs at once. It’s hard enough for me to manage two little guys, let alone our huge German Shepherd. Our Franklin is still very nervous in life. He’s come a long way since we took him in, but he still has major anxiety issues. Walks can be overwhelming for him, but I now see evidence that he loves to go! My sister and her family helped me take The Grump and Franklin on a walk. Franklin was horrified at first, but after a few minutes, he had a blast. I know this without a doubt because now every time I grab my purse to head out, he is all over me to try to come with. Never did he do this before this last walk.

Flea Problems in the House - Creep Factor Level 10

Flea and tick prevention is important regardless of how often you go for walks, but now it’s even a higher priority. I mean, there is zero room for messing up here, you guys. If we end up with flea problems in the house, I cannot promise I won’t evacuate the premises. Can you imagine? Well, here, I will give you an example of the gross reality. If you see 10 fleas on your dog, there could be forty or more hiding. With 40 fleas you can expect about 80 pupae (cocoons, and the worst word ever), 280 larvae, and 400 flea eggs hiding in your carpet, bedding, couch, and even in between your floorboards.

Since picking up the whole family and moving to the Arctic isn’t the ideal response, flea and tick prevention is key. Use BRAVECTO® for 12-week* protection. *BRAVECTO kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks. Bravecto also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks. The yummy chewable tablet is a lot easier to give to your dogs and lasts longer to help prevent lapses in treatment.

BRAVECTO is FDA approved and only available through your vet. Ask your veterinarian about BRAVECTO today! Stay social by following BRAVECTO all over social media – Facebook, Twitter, and their mobile app.

Have you ever had to deal with flea problems in the house?

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the USA product label or package. More product information is available here: https://intervetus.naccvp.com/product/view/1047512?e=d97b22ed63e734e84c1a5910a9c8f531z1688

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  1. We had a flea issue with one of our dogs when we first adopted her. She was so full of fleas, it was really sad. Needless to say we did everything we knew to get rid of them, and now both our dogs have flea/tick meds.

  2. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    Fleas are the worst! We once had a cat that got really, really ill because of fleas. I like that this product is so convenient and easy to give.

  3. Fleas can be such a headache, they multiple so quickly. Glad you shared this because it will surely help to get rid of those fleas!

  4. Kristen Hewitt says:

    We had fleas once and it’s the WORST! They jump and bite, ugh! Will definitely try this thanks!

  5. Brett Beyer says:

    I can’t stand fleas! Although walking the dog to just get them out while we take care of the problem is a fantastic idea. I just hope the dog is patient while I catch Pokemon.

  6. vickie couturier says:

    we had a bad flea problem one summer that was just awful,,had to bomb the entire house twice plus spend hundreds on medications to rid of fleas

  7. Maryann D. says:

    BRAVECTO sounds like a terrific product. My sister had fleas in her home last year and her dogs are always inside the house too. She ended up getting all her carpets taken out. She did have a lot of work to get rid of them.

  8. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    We have never had to deal with flea problems. I hope it never occurs. I can’t stand the idea of fleas.

  9. This makes me glad I don’t have a dog. Can cats get fleas? (don’t have a cat right now anyway)

  10. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    I have always tried to keep products on hand when I had pets to make sure that there were no fleas. Bravecto sounds like a good product to use.

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