Spooky Campfire Stories Come Alive with Audible

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Spooky campfire stories are one of the most fun parts of family camping. When I was a kid, our campfire stories were either read from a book or recounted by memory. With Audible, scary stories can be enjoyed by the entire family at the same time. This way no one knows what’s coming, and everyone can be surprised and spooked at the same time.

Spooky Campfire Stories Come Alive with Audible

What is Audible?

Audible is an Amazon company which allows its users access to over 150,000 audiobooks. Stories are beautifully narrated and can be enjoyed while driving, exercising, camping, or anytime. Listening is simple. Just download the Audible app on any smart device and enjoy your audiobooks virtually anywhere.

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. It is, however, one that can suck up some serious time. Being a multi-tasker by nature, it bothers me that I cannot read a book and do something else at the same time. Well, Audible solves that problem. I can listen to a book while doing chores around the house. Problem solved. My husband likes to listen to audiobooks on his drive home from work. It makes getting stuck in traffic far less stressful and I am pretty sure it’s seriously helping to lower his blood pressure!

Spooky Campfire Stories

Spooky Campfire Stories Come Alive with Audible

When thinking about camping (or glamping in my case), Audible just got even more awesome. Just picture sitting around the campfire, or laying inside your tent listening to the newest Stephen King novel. Light rain drizzling in the background or the sounds of the wild can amplify any horror story. Of course, choose an age-appropriate book based on your family members. You don’t want your spooky campfire stories to horrify anyone too badly!

With all of the choices that Audible has to offer, there’s sure to be a story that everyone will enjoy. Whether it’s a family favorite, or something new, it’s an easy way to create memories for a lifetime during your camping trip.

How to Get Audible

You can start listening to your first audiobook within minutes. After you check for an Audible promo code signing up is a breeze. If you are a current Amazon customer, you can simply log in using your account. Listen to your first book for free. After that get a book a month and cancel at any time. Download the app to your device(s) and start listening!

Do you tell spooking campfire stories? Have you tried Audible yet?

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  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    That is a great idea actually. Not that we ever go camping or anything lol, but I love the idea of using audio books in an out of the ordinary way 🙂

  2. Oh I like this idea! We haven’t gone camping yet with the kids, but I remember camping in the backyard as a kid and telling scary stories! We’d make them up as we went.

  3. Kimberly Grabinski says:

    I am not much for camping, but it would be fun to listen to audio books with my kids, I never thought to do that.

  4. Amber Edwards says:

    Oh that would be an awesome way to have spooky campfire stories! I know when I tell the stories my voice always gets far too over dry. Having someone else read the story (AKA audio book)…genius!!

  5. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    I haven’t tried it yet, but I need to. I just don’t have the time anymore to sit and read. This would allow me to read all day long!

  6. I’m not big on camping but I do love Audible. I haven’t used it lately but it is so great when driving!

  7. I haven’t tried Audible but I need to. I used to listen to Audiobooks in the car so I could stay awake.

  8. Brittany C. @ Mom. Wife. Busy Life. says:

    I haven’t tried Audible yet, but I’ve heard all about it! I do like listening to books, etc. while working and to help me fall asleep at night!

  9. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Very fun idea to play a spooky story for around the camp fire! I would love to do this!

  10. Real Talk Moms says:

    I have never heard of this before. I personally do not tell scary stories as I am a big chicken lol

  11. I never thought of using audiobooks this way. Awesome idea.

  12. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    Oh My GOD!!! This is totally going to change my life. I am a huge multi tasker too and especially with all the carpooling I do during the school year, I will be able to listen to so many great books that I have wanted to read!!

  13. Emily Reid says:

    what a cool product! my kids LOVE spooky stories, this would be a lot of fun on our next camping trip!!

  14. I freaking love Audible! I used it lots this summer while traveling!

  15. Ronni Keller says:

    I actually just recently signed u for this!! IT IS AWESOME!!!!

  16. I love audio books. They’re great for long trips – or short ones. When I’m really into a book, I’ll take the audio version with me whenever I have to drive somewhere. I just start up the audiobook where I left off on the physical copy and just keep the story rolling. It’s great.

  17. What a great idea… I remember my Dad reading scary stories to us and it would freak us out. HA! I have never thought about trying Audible with the kids. Thanks so much

  18. Chelley @ A is For Adelaide says:

    This is such a great idea! I love camping and can’t wait to bring the kids- best part of camping are the stories!!!!

    1. The very best part is when you have someone jump out and scare the bejeesus out of the kids while they’re listening to a horrifying tale of a mysterious, hook-handed man in a hood…

  19. Mindy Grant says:

    That is such a great idea! My Dad used to tell spooky campfire stories when I was a kid. He was so good at it, and it was so much fun. I don’t think I’m quite creative enough to do that for my kids, so this would be awesome.

  20. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    Sounds like you had a fun time! What a great idea!

  21. I am addicted to Audible and listen to it almost everyday on my phone, in the car and on my computer. Listening to the Hunger Games now.

  22. Sarah Marturano says:

    This is such a great idea! I always listen to audio books while in the car.

  23. There is no freakin’ way I would listen to a Stephen King story while in a tent. Girl, I’ll listen to it from inside my house with the doors locked! I do love the idea of listening to spooky stories though!

  24. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I love listening to audiobooks. I never thought of listening to spooky stories around a campfire. What a fantastic and fun idea!

  25. Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) says:

    I’ve seen many posts about this recently, and I’m very intrigued to check it out! Thanks! Seems great for travel.

  26. Tina Bredbury says:

    What a fun night. My kids would love this and my husband is a big fan of audible.

  27. Joni Mason says:

    I used to tell spooky campfire stories to my son,niece, and nephews. When tjeri children get a little older I want to continue the tradition. I have never tried Audible but would love to after reading this post. Thanks for sharing!

  28. I’m horrible about telling (scary) ghost stories. What a great idea to play them with an audio book!

  29. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    I haven’t tried Audible. 🙂 It would be perfect for scary stories!

  30. Stefani Tolson says:

    It seems that audiobooks are becoming more and more popular. I might have to get on the bandwagon and start listening to them myself.

  31. fun idea for camping at home!! i love this!

  32. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    That’s an awesome idea for campfires! That way everyone can be scared!

  33. Debbie Welchert says:

    I love this idea. My eyes get so tired after reading for a few minutes that I fall a sleep. This would work out so great for me to be able to hear one of my favorites stories read to me. No more falling a sleep, at least not as fast….

  34. Jennifer Phillips says:

    I love this, you can have so much fun with these and I am glad to find out about them! TY.

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