XFINITY X1 Accessibility Options

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The accessibility options available on the new XFINITY X1 system are impressive. In fact, the ability to turn on subtitles at all times might be one of the top reasons why we love the new X1 system so much. XFINITY sponsored this post; all opinions are my own. See more disclosure details below.

XFINITY X1 Accessibility Options

Mike doesn’t hear that well. He was born with a congenital issue that has affected his hearing his whole life. Add on working with loud machinery for the past decade or so, and it’s only gotten worse. He can hear, but struggles with separating sounds to fully comprehend conversations. For this reason, we watch all movies and shows with the subtitles on. I am on the opposite side of the spectrum, with the hearing of an owl (I just googled that – owls hear really well, apparently), but I have gotten so used to the subtitles, I actually miss them when they aren’t there. With our old system, subtitles were not always available. In this case, we would wait for the movie to come out on DVD before watching it.

XFINITY X1 Accessibility Options

XFINITY X1 Accessibility Options

With the new X1 system, you can turn on the subtitles and leave them on. They are even there during the commercials. It’s completely changed Mike’s TV-watching life for the better. He is no longer limited to what he can watch. It’s awesome. The words completely match the sound, too. There’s no annoying delay that we have experienced in the past.

Mike’s issue is extremely minor compared to other disabilities. We don’t even refer to his as a disability. Did you know that there are 8 million people in America with visual disabilities? You may have seen the new commercial that was premiered during the Academy Awards with the precious little Emily. Emily’s Oz commercial shows how her own creative mind “sees” her favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. This seven-year-old described her version of Oz while XFINITY recreated it. It’s so amazing, and you should really watch it if you missed it.

XFINITY on the X1 Entertainment Operating System has accessibility options built right in to bring customers innovations like the industry’s first talking guide, video description, accessible mobile apps, and the new voice remote. Customers can even request a free large-button remote for improved readability.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on Ty! Ty So Fast is consistently coming up with awesome life hacks, and tips to enjoy life!

Disclosure: XFINITY partnered with bloggers such as me for their Fast Life Program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about any product mentioned in these posts. XFINITY believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. XFINITY’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.

Do you know anyone who could benefit from these accessibility options?

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  1. I like the voice guidance feature.

  2. David Fultner says:

    I like the Activate Voice Guidance.

  3. Lisa Brown says:

    Voice control can be used to control your On-Screen Guide using voice commands.

  4. Jacob LaFountaine says:

    It reads out what menu setting you are in.

  5. I like that it speaks what’s on the screen with details such as program descriptions.

  6. Holly Kennedy says:

    I like the audio aspect as my husband has vision problems and asks me to read everything.

  7. Kimberly Bauer says:

    I love the It “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch feature.

  8. Well I have hearing difficulty and the subtitles are definitely a plus for me. I can see how the large-button remote would be really good when I don’t have my glasses on either.

  9. Use only when needed by swiping on the keypad. A cool invention.

  10. Lisa Coomer Queen says:

    I like the activate voice guidance feature the best.

  11. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    I love the voice guide!

  12. Julie Wood says:

    The Voice Guidance feature seems to be the best for me!

  13. Stephanie Phelps says:

    I love the X1 Talking Guide it would be most useful to me! Such cool options they have now!

  14. Patricia Mohl says:

    Love the voice guide with navigation instructions.

  15. I love the Voice control which can be used to control your On-Screen Guide using voice commands.

  16. nicole dziedzic says:

    I like that the Voice guidance support is available for the Main Menu, Guide, Saved, On Demand, Settings, Mini Guide, Channel Info and Channel Collection sections of the X1 on-screen menu. So cool!

  17. ellen beck says:

    The Voice Guidance system is fantastic! I like how it speaks all aspects like Main Menu, Guide, Saved, On Demand, Settings, Mini Guide, Channel Info and Channel Collection .

  18. Selene M. says:

    The remote control is a great option.

  19. The voice guidance option is awesome!

  20. Sandra L Hying McFadden says:

    I love that I can use my voice to command my tv what to do.

  21. Thomas Murphy says:

    I like that it tells you program descriptions

  22. Jessie C. says:

    I like the Voice guidance support feature.

  23. Michelle Plummer says:

    The voice guidance, it will make yelling at the TV actually work!

  24. Maria Malaveci says:

    activate voice guidance feature

  25. I really like the idea of the subtitles being accurate and timed properly. I swear, the subtitles as they are now? Useless!

  26. I like that the voice guidance feature includes program descriptions.

  27. I have a friend who is legally blind and this would be helpful for her.
    Thanks for the contest.

  28. Pamela Gurganus says:

    To me, the best part of the X1 accessibility options is It “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch.

  29. Lisa Kubin says:

    OMG the voice guidance ability sounds incredible – how cool would it be to just say I want to watch Modern Family and have it come on!

  30. Colleen Boudreau says:

    I like the Voice Guidance.

  31. Amanda Alvarado says:

    I like that it will give a brief summary of what the movie/show is about!

  32. Seyma Shabbir says:

    I love the remote control and voice control features.

  33. Heather B says:

    I really like the Voice Control Guidance!

  34. steve weber says:

    I like the activate voice guidance feature the best.

  35. Holly Thomas says:

    The voice guidance could be helpful.

  36. Cindy Merrill says:

    I see it has a volume setting- my husband is hard of hearing, so this is very helpful.

  37. Douglas Houston says:

    The activate voice guidance would be my favorite feature.

  38. I like that it can be voice activated.

  39. Melissa M says:

    I love the voice guidance.

  40. I like that itt “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch!

  41. It “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch.

  42. Adrienne gordon says:

    The voice guidance is.

  43. Debra Guillen says:

    I love that Voice guidance support is available for the Main Menu, Guide, Saved, On Demand, Settings, Mini Guide, Channel Info and Channel Collection sections of the X1 on-screen menu.

  44. Sarah Hall says:

    I love that it has Voice Guidance for the visually impaired as my eyesight is getting worse all the time.

  45. Voice guidance feature would be very useful for my husband who is vision impaired.

  46. Margaret Smith says:

    I love that it speaks to you and tells you in detail whats on TV. What a great idea and something that I and my husband could really use.

  47. Sandy Klocinski says:

    I think the voice feature is pretty neat. The concept is great. You can change channels from any where in the house.

  48. Dana Rodriguez says:

    I like that voice guide is optional.

  49. Voice guidance is a nice feature, and it’s great that it’s so easy to turn on and off.

  50. Dawn Monroe says:

    I like that it gives you options and the voice guidance is easily accessible.

  51. Voice Guidance would be a nice feature to have for visually impaired family members.

  52. heather s says:

    I like the voice guide and navigation

  53. The Voice Guidance for the Guide and On Demand are my favorite features – my parents could really use this service!

  54. Ellie Wright says:

    I like the X1 Talking Guide. I’m always looking for my glasses to read the menu.

  55. Carolyn Benson says:

    The best feature is Voice guidance on the on demand menu, I am a Comcast/Xfinity customer for years now

  56. Brittney House says:

    I really like the voice activated feature.

  57. Andrea Williams says:

    I like that it includes program descriptions in the voice guidance system.

  58. Patti Hess says:

    Best feature seems that it is easy to do!

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  59. I think the best thing about the X1 accessibility options is the talking guide, pretty cool.

  60. Kenny Hall says:

    The talking guide is a great feature

  61. Jessica Snow says:

    I think the voice guidance feature is a great option.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  62. Natalie Nichols says:

    I know a lot of people have already mentioned it, but the voice guidance is super convenient!

  63. It speaks what’s on screen for the visually impaired

  64. sandra davis says:

    I really like the voice remote.

  65. Cynthia C says:

    I like the program descriptions feature. It would help me decide what to watch.

  66. April Brenay says:

    I like that you can control everything from your smart phone

  67. Richard Hicks says:

    The voice guidance feature is something that I would find very useful.

  68. Beth Hill says:

    You can receive text message notifications on your TV screen! That is amazing.

  69. Cynthia R says:

    I like being able to get a description of what’s on so i can decide if I want to watch it or not.

  70. Julie Murphy says:

    The voice guidance for sure.

  71. This is a great idea. A wonderful thing for visually impaired people. I like that it will talk to you about what’s on the screen.

  72. Sarah Hirsch says:

    i think the activate voice guidance feature sounds great

  73. Debbie Welchert says:

    I like the voice guidance feature where it describes what is going on in whatever you are watching.

  74. Danielle D says:

    Activate voice guidance is nice.!!

  75. I like the enhanced closed captioning features.

  76. Suzanne K says:

    The voice guidance is awesome!

  77. S. Carter says:

    I like that there is a mobile app and the voice guidance.

  78. Stephanie Reed says:

    As someone who has worn hearing aids for most of her adult life, I am very familiar with watching TV with subtitles. Hearing aids help to a point, but we have high ceilings and poor acoustics. I am so gratified that there are people who are reaching out to help the visually impaired. Voice guidance sounds like a wonderful concept. And Emily’s Oz was amazing.

  79. I like the voice control.

  80. Angela Hendricks says:

    Voice guidance is the best part!

  81. The talking guide is the best part

  82. The Activate Voice Guidance Stands Out the most feature for me

  83. I like the Activate Voice Guidance.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  84. Voice guidance is the future anyway!

  85. Emily Endrizzi says:

    I love that it helps people with visual disabilities by reading aloud what is on the screen (such as show descriptions) so that they can decide what to watch.

  86. I like the program descriptions to help decide what to watch best.

  87. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    I love the idea of a voice guidance feature. My kids have something like this on their game systems and I have been so jealous of them!

  88. Cheryl Larimer says:

    It is great that is It “speaks” details like the program descriptions

  89. Ingrid Jackson says:

    I like the program descriptions best.

  90. The voice guidance system!

  91. Tiffany Dover says:

    That fact that is allows customers with visual disabilities the freedom to independently explore thousands of TV shows and movies!!

  92. Karen Drake says:

    I like the voice guidance feature.

  93. Betty Webb says:

    I think the whole guide is wonderful for visually impaired persons, it seem very easy to use,

  94. Tonya Tipton says:

    The best part is the voice guidance feature.

  95. The voice guide is pretty neat

  96. Carolyn Daley says:

    My grandmother is gradually loosing her eyesight so I like that Xfinity X1 has the voice guidance feature and speaks out what is on the screen.

  97. I really like the voice guidance!

  98. The voice guide is awesome

  99. Tonya Atkinson says:

    I love that it speaks what is on the the screen and also that things are being invented for people with visual disabilities.

  100. I love the idea that you can switch it to voice guide, that way the kids can scan while I’m doing chores and I can still hear the options to tell them what is okay to watch.

  101. The voice guidance is great! I don’t always wear my contacts when watching TV at night so I can’t read the options!

  102. The voice guidance feature sounds nice!

  103. Samantha Daleo says:

    I like the Voice Remote. How cool and futuristic is that!

  104. This is a great idea for people with visual problems. Glad someone has made something like this.

  105. Dawn Curtis says:

    The ability to control by voice

  106. Heidi Salisbury says:

    I love the talking guide and it gives vision impaired people freedom !!

  107. my father’s hearing is getting worse and the subtitles would really help

  108. Paol Trenny says:

    I like that it allows customers with visual disabilities the freedom to independently explore thousands of TV shows and movies

  109. Michelle Washburn says:

    This is an awesome feature for the blind or hard to see individuals

  110. THe voice guidance looks great!

  111. Evelyn Goettner says:

    The best part to me is the voice guidance. I love that It “speaks” what’s on the screen!

  112. The voice guidance feature is awesome! I have pretty bad eyesight i feel like it would really come in handy

  113. I love the voice remote option. That is super cool and is something I have never heard of before. It is amazing what technology can do for our lives everyday!

  114. The voice details programs descriptions

  115. The best part is that it recognizes and serves those with visual disabilities.

  116. I like the voice guidance

  117. Jennifer W says:

    I love that it gives you addition information and doesn’t just give titles. It would make browsing much more possible rather than just finding something you already knew about!

  118. Jennifer Dunaway says:

    I love that it speaks to you and gives you the information.

  119. Susan Christy says:

    I like the large button remote.

  120. katklaw777 says:

    The new voice remote. sounds pretty cool to me…thanks!

  121. Kimberly Hilbert says:

    Voice Guidance would be cool, but I can see where it might also be annoying, too.

  122. I like the activate voice guidance feature

  123. rita leonard says:

    I like that the voice activated guidance system helps people with disabilities access a tv program

  124. Duane Cooper says:

    My favorite feature is the voice guidance feature!

  125. I like the activate voice guidance.

  126. Cori Westphal says:

    The best part is that I can use my phone as a remote! That’s cool!

  127. voice guidance is really awesome! i have trouble reading the screen sometimes

  128. Kyl Neusch says:

    reads out what menu setting you are in.

  129. Marnie G (Derrick Todd) says:

    I like that you have the option to turn the voice guidance on or off.

  130. I like how easy it is to use Voice Guidance!

  131. Pat Nolan says:

    using my phone as a remote sounds cool

  132. The feature for using my phone as a remote is great. It would be easier to use than a remote, I think.

  133. Claudia Davis says:

    leaving the subtitles on and the big button remote.

  134. I love the voice guidance schedule.

  135. I like the voice guidance options

  136. Karen Martin says:

    I think the Voice Remote feature would be the best. Thanks

  137. Sue Barney says:

    I have this at my home and there are some many things that I Love about it like the fact that you can pause a show on the DVR and start watching it in another room and that I cant record 4 shows at once the voice remote feature is Awesome too!

  138. joe gersch says:

    i think the activate voice guidance is cool

  139. Sherry Conrad says:

    Definitely the voice guidance feature is awesome.

  140. Jennifer Reed says:

    I love how accessible Comcast Xfinity services are to their users. As current customers it makes me happy to know this company is cutting edge. I love how the talking guide for XFINITY on the X1 Entertainment Operating System is a voice guidance feature that allows customers with visual disabilities the freedom to independently explore thousands of TV shows and movies. It “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch.

  141. Susan Smith says:

    I love the Voice control which can be used to control your On-Screen Guide using voice commands

  142. Stephanie Larison says:

    So cool that you can use your voice! I like that the Voice guidance support is available for the Main Menu, Guide, Saved, On Demand, Settings, Mini Guide, Channel Info and Channel Collection sections of the X1 on-screen menu.

  143. Lisa Davis says:

    I like the Activate Voice Guidance.

  144. Elizabeth Newsome says:

    I like that it “speaks” what’s on the screen and includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch.

  145. I like that it speaks what is on screen.

  146. Brenda Robinson says:

    ILiki Activate voice guidende.

  147. laurie murley says:

    I like that it is voice adivated, and you can turn it off if you want too

  148. I definitely like the voice guidance feature – my kids would have a blast playing around with all of the features!

  149. I like the voice guidance option.

  150. The voice guidance is awesome!

  151. I like the program descriptions.

  152. Michelle W says:

    The best part of the voice guidance is that it includes details such as program descriptions to help you decide what to watch

  153. Kimmy Ripley says:

    Voice Guidance makes it easy!

  154. I love the closed captioning and the voice guidance!

  155. Christina T says:

    The Voice Guidance as my mother is ongoingly losing her hearing, this feature will help her to still actively use the television in the living room and her bedroom. So kudos to Xfinity for this newest and awesome update.

  156. Tina Reynolds says:

    I love you can use your voice love that voice guidance feautre cant wait to try it out

  157. Vikki Billings says:

    I love the voice guidance feature, so cool!

  158. lilshuga2001 says:

    the voice guide! 🙂

  159. subtitles by commercials too!

  160. Stephanie Galbraith says:

    The Voice Guidance Feature sounds amazing.

  161. Audra O'Hara says:

    I like that the voice guidance is easy to turn on and off. Would be convenient to find shows fast.

  162. I think the voice guidance would be very useful. I always have a hard to,e finding shows.

  163. My favorite part is that it speaks it and do not have to rely on my vision which is impaired for distance

  164. Thank You for the giveaway…the voice guidance allows those with visual disabilities the freedom to easily explore thousands of TV shows and movies; the feature can easily be turned off for regular viewing as well.

  165. sharon shafran says:

    thanks the voice guidance system is awesome and a great feature

  166. laurie steiner says:

    I hate just flipping channels so the voice guidance would make my life a lot easier!

  167. Trisha McKee says:

    The Voice Guidance is my favorite feature.

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