12 Concentrated Tart Cherry Juice Benefits

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Running a few miles everyday used to be sort of my thing. No matter the weather, that gravel trail through the woods was my best friend… Until my knee decided we were going to have to break up. It was ugly. Since ‘running’ and I broke up, I’ve been depressed and literally feeding my own pity party.

I’ve gained a considerable amount of cellulite and lost a tremendous amount of self esteem. When I heard about how drinking concentrated tart cherry juice benefits the joints, I decided to give it a try. But then learned about all the other perks from drinking this juice. I want to share with everyone about the benefits of drinking tart cherry juice.

A jar of dark cherry juice with text overlay.

Concentrated Tart Cherry Juice Health Benefits

You’re going to want to drink this stuff everyday!

You’d have to eat an obscene amount of tart cherries to get the amount of nutrients that this juice offers. It’s loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals that prevent a whole bunch of nasty health issues. But for me, I was really anxious to see if it worked as an anti-inflammatory for my knee. And it did!

The anti-inflammatory properties of tart cherries act in our body similarly to that of ibuprofen–which I take WAY too much of for joint pain, migraine headaches, and cramps. So if I can take less and just drink this juice, that’s a huge win.

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03/12/2025 07:26 pm GMT
Glass and bottle of tart cherry juice.

After two weeks of drinking 2 servings a day, I feel awesome. Even after running on the treadmill–which is a guaranteed knee-sweller–I have noticed considerably less pain and swelling.

This is not medical advice. Please consult your doctor before adding anything to your diet.

I am also thrilled to be reaping all these other tart cherry juice benefits that have been shown. It:

  • helps arthritis.
  • is a natural source of melatonin and can help you sleep better and for longer.
  • contains an abundance of anthocyanins (phytochemical that gives cherries their dark red color). They help remove uric acid which can cause gout if excess amounts end up in joints.
  • causes better circulation.
  • ensures proper nerve function.
  • fights cancer – tart cherries are the only fruit that offer a combination of three cancer fighting chemicals: perillyl alcohol, limonene and ellagic acid. Other fruits may have one present, but cherries have all three. These are particularly known for being preventative of breast, lung, liver, and skin cancers.
  • fights heart disease by helping to lower bad cholesterol, and possibly lowers blood pressure.
  • MIGHT help prevent type 2 diabetes. (More research is needed here.)
  • prevents exercise-related muscle damage.
    • less pain and soreness
    • more efficient recovery

This is the best value I’ve found so far. (Amazon affiliate link.)

Tart cherry juice and shark shot glass.

Plus, I think it tastes great. I’ve tried several different brands, and this Dynamic Health brand is my favorite. There are several brands that offer already diluted concentrated tart juice, but I like having the ability to control the strength myself.

I actually prefer it less diluted because I love the taste. It has a great bite to it… naturally, I drink it out of my favorite shark cup. It’s the health drink with a bite. <ba-dum-ch>

Shark shot glass with tart cherry juice in it.

It also closely resembles blood so I am quite entertained by creating my own little glass of Shark Week. Everyday. Yeah, it makes sense.

I even play with it a bit and put it in all kinds of fun glass containers. Let’s face it, I’m easily amused. But seriously, there are crazy benefits to drinking concentrated tart cherry juice everyday. It’s yummy, good for you, and if that’s not enough, get yourself some cool glassware and have fun with it!

Articles about my Wellness Journey to Read Next:

Were you aware of all these tart cherry juice benefits?

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  1. shelly peterson says:

    Wow, tart cherry juice has so many great benefits. I actually never knew there was such a thing. I might have to try this.

  2. I was not aware of all the benefits. I knew a couple. The shark glasses are fun.

  3. Maryann D. says:

    I have been reading about the benefits of cherry juice. I really want to start using this. I like the shark glass!

  4. Laura Tveras says:

    Thank you for this awesome article! I’ve been drinking tart cherry juice for two years now. I add a teaspoon or so into a glass of water and drink about four of those throughout the day.

    I’m pretty sure everything said in this post is mostly, if not all, true. I can say for sure that my arthritic pain has lessened in cold weather and is almost gone during the summer months. I don’t retain water like I used to, and I was one number away from becoming diabetic, but after getting on the juice, my numbers are near normal. Sometimes I combine the cherry with an equal amount of concentrated blueberry juice, which helps prevent UTI’s and maintain good bladder health. All said and done, I really recommend giving this stuff a try. It probably won’t hurt!

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