Best Hostess Gift Ideas to Thank Holiday Hosts

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The best hostess gift ideas are the ones to show you truly know your host. However, here are some unique suggestions in case you feel stumped.

Hosting holiday gatherings is a ton of work, and it’s important to thank whoever cares enough to invite you over. Of course, gratitude can be shown in many ways that doesn’t cost money. But, let’s explore some fun gift ideas anyway!

Table with silver pineapples, a pumpkin, a Personalogy game on it.

Best Hostess Gift Ideas

With the current essential oils craze, I think it’s safe to say any host will appreciate a gorgeous diffuser. After you invade their home, give them the cleansing gift of essential oils. 😉

A good diffuser is not only useful but also decorative. There are plenty of choices that double as home decor and practical home refresher.

If you’re in a hurry, here’s an amazon list of gift ideas for the holiday hosts!

Home Decor Hostess Gifts

There’s a good chance your host or hostess is already a huge fan of essential oils. In that case, I think the wooden storage box to store oils is a super winner. I know I have struggled with where to store all my oils where they aren’t an eyesore out in the open. A gorgeous wooden storage box is genius.

Personal Gifts for the Holiday Host

As we mentioned in our Christmas gifts for a family guide, you really cannot go wrong with photo gifts. Whether it is one person hosting or an entire family having you over, you can choose a picture that will make a fabulous gift.

These days it’s as easy as visiting their Facebook page to “borrow” a photo to use on a gift. With the prices at Photobarn, you can get a meaningful gift that may just cost you less than your latest cup of coffee.

Or, go big with a digital photo frame like Nixplay (amazon). Family members can connect to the wifi cloud frame to display and discuss their photos with the rest of the family.

There are so many unique items that make great hostess gift ideas out there. Even items that will make their next gathering even better. I mean, how fun is it to have your guests choose their favorite gem to identify their wine glass?

Or, how about an Amazon Echo to give your hostess a hands-free command center while he/she’s busy prepping?

Last year, we gifted our aunt a fresh whipped cream dispenser and now we all benefit from it. We get to top our pie, coffee, and other desserts with the best whipped cream ever.

Consider other small and maybe unusual kitchen gadgets that are both fun and useful!

Hostess-Helpers Gift Ideas

Wine glasses with gems on them and a box with the rest of the wine charms.
  1. Wine Glass Charms
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    03/25/2025 02:51 pm GMT
  2. Amazon Echo
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    03/25/2025 03:11 pm GMT
  3. Whipped Cream Dispenser
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    03/25/2025 03:21 pm GMT
  4. Fat Trapper System
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    03/25/2025 06:16 pm GMT
  5. Premium Chilled Serving Tray
    $37.97 $27.97
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    03/25/2025 12:36 am GMT
Range Kleen Fat Trapper System.

You can go the super practical route and get a unique device that traps the grease. It may not be the prettiest gift, but it will be an appreciated one.

Range Kleen has a speedy way to trap the grease with their Fat Trapper System. Most of us know to never pour grease down the drain. Fat Trapper Bags hold liquid up to 200 degrees. Pour the grease in the bag for quick disposal with less fuss.

Piles and piles of dishes next to a sink.

Converstation Starters Hostest Gifts

Sometimes–it might even be safe to say–most of the time, there is drama underlying large gatherings of family members and/or friends.

This can make for some proper awkward silences or even catastrophic interactions. Why not ensure the topics stay light and funny? Maybe family bonds can even be restored through the laughter!

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03/25/2025 07:16 pm GMT

Or, a beautiful coffee table book like CAST: Art and Objects Created Using Humanity’s Most Transformational Process allows guests to completely escape into a world of beauty should they need to step away.

Whether they flip through the gorgeous pages of incredible artwork on their own or share their thoughts with others, it’s a perfect way to squash any awkward topics and discuss beauty instead.

Family picture albums are another thing to display during holidays. In our family, we look at old family pictures every singe gathering. I swear, it never gets old! Seeing the funny outfits of the 80’s and bringing back memories from childhood is the ultimate ice breaker.

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03/24/2025 09:52 pm GMT

These tabletop games are the perfect way to get everyone talking and giggling. We played Personalogy at our Thanksgiving dinner and had a blast. Turns out my daughter–who’s only 12–knows everyone in the family the best!

Consumable Gifts for Guests or Hosts

Of course, food and drink hostess gifts are an obvious and welcome choice. The host can choose to keep the gift for themselves for later, or serve it right along with the goodies. In some cases, you may even help provide an item that the host overlooked.

If there’s alcohol at the party, a bottle of wine is a great choice. Share a bottle from your own Winc subscription, or even gift them their own.

If it’s a booze-free party or you want to give an immune-boosting gift, Karuna Whole Plant Smoothies are an excellent choice. These prebiotic wellness drinks have exotic flavors for a real treat.

Whole Plant Juice Discovery Pack

Tasty prebiotic wellness drinks. Plant-based smoothies in exotic flavors. Help improve gut health and experience loads of other benefits while you sip a delicious fruit smoothie.

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02/17/2025 09:27 pm GMT

The hostess can offer the smoothies up as an additional drink option, or keep them to refuel after the stress of party planning. Either way, plant-based wellness drinks are a thoughtful choice to stand out!

Let’s be real, I think all of our immune systems need some help after the chaotic holiday season.

A box of chocolates might feel like a lame choice, but not if it’s high-quality chocolates. Whether they end up on the dessert table or the host savors them later, you can’t go wrong with chocolate truffles.

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03/25/2025 08:51 pm GMT

Whatever you decide the best hostess gift choices are, it’s the thought that counts. It’s easy to take for granted that family member that offers up their home for the whole herd. At least in our family – it’s a big crowd! That person deserves recognition in the form of a kick butt gift.

More Gift Guides to Explore

Check out these other posts with gift suggestions for more ideas. If you know your holiday hostess well, maybe you can find something a little more personal that would make a great gift!

Do you have any best hostess gift ideas to add?

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One Comment

  1. Maryann D. says:

    I do think The Raindrop Essential Oil Diffuser would be a lovely gift! I would like this for myself also.

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