Favorite Pool Snacks – Nut Exactly

Days by the pool require pool snacks. We love to have a variety of tasty goodies poolside for quick snacking.

Fresh fruits and veggies are a must, but so is something crunchy and sweet. This post is sponsored, but all opinions are my own.

Favorite Pool Snacks #FisherNutExactly

Yummy Pool Snacks

Favorite Pool Snacks #FisherNutExactly

Pool snacks should be light since no one wants to feel weighed down while swimming. When it’s hot out you want hydrating fruits and vegetables like cucumber and watermelon.

For a sweet, salty, and crunchy flavor, try Fisher NUT EXACTLY Snack Bites. These little bites are 16 delicious calories each and loaded with flavor.

Whole-grain popcorn, roasted pistachios, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate make up these satisfying snacks.

Favorite Pool Snacks #FisherNutExactly
Favorite Pool Snacks #FisherNutExactly

The weather has been in the 90’s here the Chicago suburbs, so we have been trying to enjoy lots of pool time. It’s a little too hot for the dark chocolate on these bites.

Thankfully, they are gobbled up quickly to avoid melting. I am also using a serving dish that allows for ice in the bottom of it. They are definitely more ideal for days that aren’t so sweltering.

Fisher NUT EXACTLY Snack Bites, Pistachio Popcorn dipped in Dark Chocolate with Pumpkin Seeds are available at Costco retailers in the Midwest.

We found them at our Costco with a crowd around them. I had to squeeze in to grab a bag. Love at first bite for everyone!

Favorite Pool Snacks #FisherNutExactly

Nut Exactly snack bites contain 0 grams of trans fat, no high-fructose corn syrup, and no artificial preservatives.

Find out more by visiting the Fisher Nut Exactly website, follow them on Twitter and liking their Facebook page.

pool snacks

I just love this variety of NUT EXACTLY. They are more than pool snacks to me.

I have a bag at my desk, and I may have hidden one. As you can tell from the picture above, someone likes to float around without sharing. 😉

More Pool Snack Favorites

Do you have favorite pool snacks?

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  1. I would like to win because I’ve never heard of these before and they look delicious. I love all the components separately so I imagine they would be good together! And only 15 calories per bite too!

  2. I would love to win because all of the flavors sound amazing! :Popcorn, almonds, chocolate, pistachios and more! Who could go wrong with that?

  3. I tried the Popcorn Almonds Milk Chocolate flavor, and it was amazing! I want to try every other flavor as well.

  4. I would love to win because I’m always looking for something munch on & better to munch with something less fattening & good for you. Love the so many flavors too!

  5. For all of us trying to keep in shape..These snacks are ridiculously healthy & good for us…It might keep us from buying high fat or empty calorie type snacks! They look so yummy!

  6. I would love to win because these snacks are healthy with the popcorn and the dark chocolate is so good for me! We could take these on road trips!

  7. I would love to win because I’ve had my eye on these snacks for some time now and would love to try them.

  8. Because I like to win free stuff! This sounds really good. I am going to look for it the next time I go to town.

  9. I would like to win because this would be a perfect healthy and light snack for afternoons as work when I am dragging.

  10. I would like to win because our family LOVES fisher nuts and these just sound amazing!! I know we all would enjoy them. Would be a great movie night snack. Thank you!

  11. I love all Fisher nuts and would really love to win this. I love everything with dark chocolate so the blueberry dark chocolate sounds really good.

  12. I would love to win because we would love to eat a Snack that looks this good and is only 15 calories. Also, we recently got a Costco in our area and love it.

  13. I would love to try these snacks. I think i would love them all but the first one i hope to try is the Almond Popcorn one with milk chocolate.

  14. I would love to win because these snacks sound absolutely delicious,every flavor sounds amazing and they combine my favorite snacks all together like nuts,popcorn,and chocolate,caramel blueberries my kids would love this!

  15. It’d be great to win because my whole house is obsessed with Fisher nut’s products. Would be a great treat!

  16. I would like to win because I’m always looking for new healthy snacks and these look and sound delicious! Thank-you for this super fun chance. 🙂

  17. My family loves popcorn snacks and these look super yummy. I would like to win so I could try these and see how my family likes them. I like they are made with good ingredients and just 15 calories per bite.

  18. I would love to win this as I am always looking for healthy snacks for my family & I would love to try this new snack!

  19. I would love to win because Fisher NUT EXACTLY are delicious, I have tried them. I also love to shop at Costco!

  20. Those snacks look really good and it is good to know that they are healthy as well. It definitely feels good to relax in pool with your floating chair and some snacks.

  21. I would love to win because the fisher nut bites look like a great snack and I can buy a lot with that costco gift card!

  22. I would love to win because I want to try the snack bites and I would enjoy the gift card, I could use it to buy some Christmas gifts for my family.

  23. I would LOVE to win because it gives me a chance to try something yummy before buying it. Plus I love chocolate and nuts and popcorn!

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