Best Spring Game Face – My 7 Step Plan
Mike and I did some major spring cleaning over the weekend. It made me think that it’s also time to clean up myself. I need to get into spring-mode and get my game face on. This winter did a serious number on me, and my skin is hurting. With signs of spring trickling in, I feel inspired to make some positive changes. Sponsored post by Lunchbox, all opinions are 100% my own.

My Plan to Get My Best Spring Game Face
1.) Cleanse – I am taking a gentler approach when it comes to cleansing my face. Having oily skin, I have always used pretty harsh face washes. I like to feel it burn, and not sure when I decided punishing my face would make it love me back. Moving forward, I shall treat my face with kindness while cleansing. Using a simple cleanser that does the job without stripping my face of what it needs.
2.) Exfoliate – I just said I am going to be kind to my skin, but I can still give it a good scrub down once a week. After the long winter of basically hibernating, it’s good to slough off those dead skin cells and make way for fresh skin.
3.) Mask – Applying a hydrating mask sounds like something my skin is secretly hoping for. I think it’s been trying to send me a message by looking so dull and drab.
4.) Water – Time to get back on track with my water intake. Last summer I was drinking 128 ounces per day. My skin looked so much better when I stuck to this goal. I have my new 32 ounce water bottle, and I will drink at least four a day.
5.) Nourish – Fresh fruits and veggies are about to be in season. Packing them into my diet will get me extra hydration, plus lots of nutrients that help nourish skin from within.
6.) Invigorate – Exercise! Time to work that winter coat off. Plus, getting the blood pumping can give you instant color to your face. It’s an excellent way to get a healthy glow without even needing the sun.
7.) Rest – You never have to twist my arm to get a good night’s sleep. There really is something to be said about “beauty sleep.”
How do you get your game face ready?
Pantene shampoo and Arrid deodorant
I’m bad. I just use soap & water. The soap is homemade goat milk soap though. Sometimes I use Dove or Olay
I like the goat milk soap
I am a rinse and go if it with the guys.
Light soap, cool water and a washcloth to freshen the face
Cold water, and I drink a lot of water during the day
I use axe products.
Dove and Simple products are great for a Spring product line up.
Exfoliate and moisturize!
Dove Beauty Bar and Simple moisturizer!
Dove and Axe products for me.
Water & sleep are basics. Swimming 3 times a week and using good shampoo & conditioner.
Full 8 hours of sleep and drinking at least 8 glasses of water
I jump around to a bunch of different products. I haven’t gotten into a groove with one thing in particular.
I would say the Dove Men+ Care products.. I use them every day.
My pregame product lineup looks bleak and needs major revamping!
Our pregame product lineup includes AXE White Label Antiperspirant Stick Night and Dove Men+Care Body & Face Wash Hydration Balance.
My hubby uses Axe bodywash and some other brand shampoo.
I use Nu Naturals after i wash with ivory soap.
Clean & Clear facial scrub and Dove Moisturizer.
I use Dove body wash and lotion
I love the Aveeno face products, I use the face wash at night and the 30 SPF Positively radiant moisturizer year round. I also purchase these at Target, love that they carry these products.
My pregame lineup includes Dove body wash and lotion.
I use Dove body wash for my pregame.
My pregame product lineup definitely includes Suave Professional hair products! They are my absolute favorite and my hair seems to like them too. 🙂
My lineup includes to cleanse, drink plenty of water and nourish
soap, shampoo, body spray
I used dove spray ,olay body shower , nivea lotion ,shampoo ,body spray
I use Dove soap and Suave shampoo.
Dove Shampoo & conditioner and Dove Body wash
i love dove body wash
Pre-game, post-game, during game. It’s all the same to me
lots of dove!!
Bar soap mostly Dial and body wash is what I use
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you for the giveaway
Plenty of sleep and water, a good washing and dove deodorant.
Oh I really like Simple products for sure. I think I’m going to try that Suave shampoo too it looks nice! What a great giveaway!
I really like the Axe White Label body wash, shampoo/conditioner 2-in-1, and dry deodorant as part of my ritual.
I love Dove products!
I use and love the Suave Professional line of products.
Soap and water! Some hair product and deodorant…
Suave Shampoo and Dove Deoderant.
I start with a cleanser and finish with a moisturizer.
Dove products
I use Yes To hair products and Insta Natural Facial products! Deodorant is Dove! 🙂
Lots of deodorant/antiperspirant – we get worked up!!
i dont moisturize like i should and i want to get stronger
I usually just moisturize.
I use Dove Shampoo and Creme Rinse and Suave deodorant and make sure I drink plenty of water.
I use Suave shampoo and Dove deodorant.
I use Pantene hair care products and Dove body wash and deodorant.
I use Simple Facial Towelettes and Dove deodorant.
We lie the Dove Men + Care Shampoo.
Dove bar and anti-perspirant along with sunscreen.
Right now I am just using a light cleanser and then a day cream with spf in it. Simple and effective!
mild cleanser and a light moisturizer with spf
wash, moisturize and sunscreen
Water, moisturizer, and sunnscreen
A facial moisturizer with sunscreen and lip balm.
Dove body wash and a good facial moisturizer.
I use dove bar soap and Pantene for curly hair shampoo and conditioner. Thank you!
My pregame line up includes Dove body wash, Pantene shampoo, Dove deodrant, eucerin body lotion, aveeno face lotion, and burts bees chap stick.
aveeno moisturizer, dry shampoo, &secret deodorant
Neutrogenia cleanser, and aveeno lotions
I use the suave sea mineral shampoo and conditioner.
I use Dove soap and a moisturizer. Then some lip balm.
I use just plain soap. Thanks for the giveaway!
Pantene shampoo and secret deodorant
A hydrating body wash and shampoo, such as Suave Sea Minerals and Dove.
I use Dove body wash and Mitchum Anti-perspirant.
I have really dry skin, so I wash with water and a washcloth and use coconut oil as a moisturizer.
I like to exfoliate from head to toe and use a super good moisturizer and self tanner
I use dove soap.
I use Dove deodorant and usually White Rain shampoo and conditioner.
I use Dove soap and Dove deodorant!
I use any shampoo, but always Olay body wash. I also love Simple face wash and lotion!
I must say dove body wash and pantene shampoo
I use Aveeno face wash in the morning to get me started.
I clean my face with dove wipes. Thats it!
I use Cerave face cleanser, Paula’s choice antioxidant serum, and Paula’s choice sunscreen. Then comes the makeup….
Mine looks like Dove Body Wash and Pantene shampoo.
Dove soap, Degree deodorant and Pantene shampoo and conditioner!
I use cleanser and moisturizer, and exfoliate once a week. I buy whatever is on sale!
I like to use a cooling exfoliating product to keep me feeling fresh!
A lot of water, a salad and fresh fruit, a yoga class and some meditation and then a hot shower gets me ready
I like the Simple Line, especially the exfoliating wipes for hot summer days.
I use Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen, Dove deodorant, and Dove body spray.
My pregame line up is Pantene shampoo & conditioner and Dove body wash.
I use Neutrogena Shampoo and conditioner with Aveno Body wash.
I use water and Nivea.
I used dove products as well as suave & simple for all my personal needs
I love Loreal shampoo rosemary mint and conditioner and secret clinical strength deodorant
Light cleanser on my face in the shower, then a moisturizer before I put on makeup.
I use Suave shampoo, some coconut oil for conditioner and some Dove bar soap. It’s simple and easy!
I use Biore Cleanser and then use a moisturizer with a few drops of oil.
I usually just wash with a facial cleaner and then moisturize.
exfoliation, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion.
Just a lot of water.
Shampoo, Dove soap, Bath and Body works bath wash, and some sunscreen!
I use Simply for my facial wash and needs
Avon face scrub, Dove Deodorant, Ivory Body wash
A splash of water!
I like Dove and Degree. I stick mostly to those.
Sleep, plenty of water for hydration, deodorant to keep me smelling fresh, and face wash.
I use Dove body wash, and the shampoo and conditioner daily.
I use pantene and I use arrid every day
My pregame product lineup includes moisturizer,sunscreen and lots of my favorite Dove products.
I don’t have a pre-game line-up (don’t like sports), but the daily regimen includes Dove soap, moisturizer and sunscreen.
anything with avocado is my pre game bayyyyybbbeeee
dove deodorant
SPF and mascara
I use Dove to wash my face. Sometimes. 😀
Dove soap, cool water and a washcloth to freshen my face.
Hubby uses dove for men which is fine by me love the way it smells
Having a 12 year old in basketball, I feel that we have stock in deodorant. Thank you
I use face wash then moisturizer.
exfoliator, toner, and moisturizer
Thank You for the giveaway…currently using Dove Men+Care products.
I like to use suave shampoo and conditioner.
MY pregame product lineup looks pretty bleak .
Needs lots of revamping:)