6 Months after Daith Piercing

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August 19, 2016 marks the 6 month -iversary of my daith piercing for migraine headaches.

If you haven’t read about the day I got my daith pierced, check it out.

I go into detail about the type of migraine I get so you can see if your symptoms are similar.

Because there are no official scientific studies being done on the effectiveness of daith piercing for migraines, I aim to provide my detailed experience.

But, keep in mind, I am not a doctor. I am only sharing my story in hopes that maybe I can help someone make the best decision for themselves.

As always, talk to your doctor before trying any forms of treatment.

Picture of an ear with a daith piercing for migraines.

*WARNING* This post contains graphic images that contain blood.

6 Months After the Daith Piercing for Migraines

It’s been quite a hectic six months! I’ve done a lot of traveling, gone through some rotten medical crap–both mentally and physically.

Off topic, but just to clarify, I had some trauma in my youth that caused me to be psychologically uncomfortable with urinating. I know… TMI. But I wanted to be clear that it wasn’t really migraine related.

Long story, but in short, because of this I have had a lifetime of bladder and kidney issues.

Who knew I just needed a psychologist this whole time?! Man, everything seems to come out in your 30’s.

Okay, back to the topic at hand. It’s important to note that all the while seeing specialist after specialist and them seeing “migraines with aura” in my chart, I kept pointing out that my ear piercing for migraines was working.

Every single doctor was NOT surprised I was experiencing relief. Some just shrugged and commented about how acupuncture has been around for 1,000 years and that it’s no shock that a piercing in this area might help.

Others said that I was not the first of their patients to try this and have it work.

For the first 31 days I kept a journal of my results after my ear piercing for migraines.

I apologize I didn’t keep a written version like this for the last five months.

Instead I decided to just write things down if I did experience symptoms–implying other days are symptom-free.

Here’s another warning before you scroll — bloody picture up ahead!

Accidents Happen

May 22, 2016: I was on a press trip in Mexico. I had been swimming in underground rivers, pools, and the ocean.

My piercing seemed to be doing just fine. But on the last day of the trip I snagged it on a towel after getting out of the shower.

It didn’t actually hurt. I would never had noticed had it not been for the blood.

I put some antibiotic ointment on it for the next few days and figured it would be fine.

Bloody bubble at the site of a daith piercing in the ear.

Well, as of August 25th, I’ve been struggling with this bubble that has formed on the top portion of the daith piercing.

Occasionally it looks like it may be infected so Evan lances it. Clear liquid, a small amount of pus, and blood drain out.

I clean it with the salt water solution that was suggested after I initially got it pierced and apply antibiotic ointment.

It is now August 29th and I’m finally starting to see that it’s going away.

I decided to ditch the antibiotic ointments and try a new method of cleaning my daith piercing. (Preparing the salt water three times a day is sort of a pain and frankly, I just forget.)

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03/13/2025 02:26 pm GMT

So, I found an isotonic saline solution wound wash (amazon) that comes in a spray bottle.

I use it on the area three times a day. I don’t mess with it at all aside from that. And it is FINALLY getting better.

Because this area lacks blood flow it can take forever to heal. I’m hoping this new method works.

And I really should have seen a doctor FOR THIS, but I had so many other things going on, they took priority.

Mind you, I never had any fevers or thought I was at risk of serious infection.

Again, I honestly forgot about it most of the time because it doesn’t hurt at all.

Daith earring in an ear.

Migraine Headaches

Without further ado, I am thrilled to report that in 6 months, I have only had two actual migraine headaches.

They only lasted a couple hours with 600mg of Ibuprofen.

Before this ear piercing for migraines, I was getting FOUR migraine headaches a week and they’d last 24 hours or more. 800mg of Ibuprofen would only take the edge off.

Prior to these two migraine occurrences, I was going through an exponential amount of stress combined with having hormone issues with my cycle.

I don’t know what is happening with my lady parts, but my periods are getting farther and farther apart. Pretty sure 32 is a bit young for menopause, but that’s a whole other topic.

For me, this ear piercing for migraine headaches has changed my life.

Despite any complications, they’ve been annoying at most. Absolutely nothing compared to the misery migraine headaches inflict.

I feel like I have my life back. I am still light sensitive in the respect that I wear sunglasses outside.

But I no longer lurk behind dark curtains in the house.

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03/12/2025 10:56 pm GMT

Once I get this rotten bubble thing cleared up, I can’t wait to swap my jewelry out for a super cute heart shaped daith piercing ring.

Not Ready to Put a Hole in your Head?

I get it, piercings make some people rightfully squeamish.

2019 update: I recently started taking a daily supplement for migraine relief and it’s working so well that I feel confident recommending it.

Please discuss with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet. Also, report back if you try it. It’s interesting to see how MigreLief (amazon) works for so many people!

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03/12/2025 08:16 pm GMT

There is also a new device out called CEFALY. This gadget is another option to try at home if you’re looking to avoid piercings and prescriptions.


Discover a new gadget that provides drug-free migraine pain relief at home!

Save 15% on CEFALY with the code JENNIFERS

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If anyone has any questions about the daith piercing for migraines, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments below.

I’d love to hear about your experiences or concerns.

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  1. What an interesting concept! I have never heard of this but have tried accupuncture and am a huge supporter of the concept.

  2. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    That is so wonderful to hear that this piercing worked for you! I get migraines on occasion (I’d estimate 1 a month normally) but I can’t imagine getting them weekly like you did prior to the piercing; it’s incredible that you were able to function and get work done at all! I do still want to get my daith done eventually and this just solidifies my decision. Thank you so much for keeping such a detailed journal and walking us through your experience!

    1. Thank you for reading it! 🙂 And let me know when you get your’s done!

      1. Linda Richard says:

        I suffer from migraines, each one seems to be worse than the last one. I also had a Ruptured Brain anyerysm in 2000. I’m interested in getting more information on this. Who do you call to see if they do this type of piercing?

        1. Hi Linda,
          You can call any tattoo parlor with a piercer and ask.
          Best of luck! 🙂

        2. Pat Norman says:

          Tattoo place. I had mine done last October. I had 34 migraines in 3 months. No meds or shots worked for me. Got both done. I haven’t had a migraine in 5 months. Very thankful. Good luck.

          1. Kristin Henning says:

            I am really interested in getting this done. Is there a guide to which ear to get done, or should both be done?

          2. Was it sore getting it done

      2. Thank you for going into detail perfect! I’m thinking of going this coming friday. I’ve been getting about 8 a month. So tired of taking pills. Someone told me that if my usual migraine is on the left side I should do the right side? By any chance do you know anything about which side should I do? Nervous about the pain ? Thank you once again for sharing

        1. The amount of pain from the piercing will for most people be less severe than a migraine. You’ll hear a pop noise when they go through the cartilage and will feel heat in the area after it’s done after that it will just be sore like bumped shin unless you hit the area. The most painful part of any of my piercing has always been when they clamp it before. I have not had this piercing yet but I have 7 others in my ears. I wish you luck.

      3. Melissa Barnes says:

        Is there any other piercings you can besides the daith? I have both of mine done. I still get the bad annoying headaches .

      4. Hi Shelley, I suffer as well and am thinking of getting the piercing. But, for my migraines, I have to take a cocktail of sorts within an hour of onset or aura, including a triptan (immitrex), ibuprofen and benadryl.. Or I end up in the ED because I vomit endlessly from the pain.. So my question is, were your migraines only treated with the ibuprofen? Bc in worried mine are too severe for piercing to help.. But I’m not sure & I’m willing to try pretty much anything. I’ve had several botox treatments, which have helped significantly. But I’m still getting migraines a lot lately, the weather has been awful, and I’m about to graduate nursing school.. Any more info would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks and good luck with your battle too! ~Diana ?

        1. Hi Diana. I have been through the same treatments, imitrex + anything else I could get my hands on to knock out the pain or myself. I had several headaches a month and I also did a couple rounds of Botox treatments. I finally decided I had nothing to lose getting the piercing. I have had it for 42 days and only taken my imitrex twice (stress and tension induced headache). I am a firm believer this is what has turned things around for me. I got by both ears done because my headaches were not on just one side. The piercing reall did not hurt that bad – a lot less than I expected and only for a minute. Good luck to you.

        2. Hi Diana,
          Ugh, I feel your pain. I tried a ton of different meds and it wasn’t until I was in the ER and an aura hit. They gave me an injection of IB Profen and the pain disappeared. The doctor told me that IB Profen is usually the most effective for migraines if taken at the right time. So I started taking 800 mg with the onset of an aura. It would keep the pain at bay but I was very “fragile.” Even the smallest trigger (foods, scents, bright light) could bring on the pain. But I was getting auras/migraines almost everyday. All that IB Profen started really bothering me. As soon as heard about this piercing I decided to give it a try. And the rest is history…

          I hope that answers your question?

        3. I’m in the same boat. Have to use botox and immatrec to keep them from being a constant in my life. I’m interested in trying this but wonder if my case is to sever?!!! I’m going to talk to my neurologist this week about it!

        4. I suffered with migraines for years, four or five a month, tried everything to relieve them. I was to the point that I would try anything so I thought why not. I went to the tattoo shop ( the piecer said he would do it but that it did not work) and I got my daith pierced a little over a year ago. I’ve had three total migraines since., two shortly after getting the piercing and one about a month ago. It is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m saving tons of money that was spent on medications and doctors. My migraines were across the back of my head so I just picked the left side to try first. If it did not work I was just going to try the right, but for me it worked. The left is the side I sleep on so it hurt for about 3 months when I slept until it fully healed. I used saline spray I got from the drug store and never had any problems.

      5. A tip for the healing of any cartiledge, Bactine Solution. Amazing healing for any piercings but most amazing for cartiledge. 😊

    2. Bacot Bernie says:

      I have stopped my migraines so far just by pinching the area with my thumb and index finger!!!

      1. Bacot Bernie says:

        I don’t do needles

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and updating as to your progress at both 1 and 6 months after you got your piercing. I found many testimonials but most were from people who had only had their piercing for about a month so it was hard to tell if anyone was seeing long term improvement. I also suffer from migraines, 2-3 per week, on 200 mg Topamax daily, then 2 tabs Excedrin Migraine at the first sign of symptoms. If the symptoms increase within the first 60 minutes I then either take 85/500 mg Treximet orally or inject myself with 6 mg of Sumavel depending on how severe the symptoms have gotten (plus I’m also taking 135 mg Oxycodone per day for other issues and still have the breakthrough migraines). If I don’t treat my migraines immediately they can last for days, the worst one lasted for 5 straight days with light and noise sensitivity, blurry vision, nausea and severe headache. I’ve been considering getting a daith piercing for a while as I have had acupuncture and good results with pressure point techniques in the past. Reading your detailed account was very informative and helpful. I am so grateful to you for taking the time to share your experience. I am definitely going to discuss this with my doctor and start looking for someone experienced with daith piercings. Thank you again! Future updates would certainly be welcome. Good luck with your bladder and kidney issues, I wish you all the best!

    1. Hi Robin!
      Thank you so much for following my story! I am happy to have helped in any way. I’m sorry to hear about your struggle. Ugh, so many meds. 🙁 I really, really hope this helps if you do get it done. Please, come back and let me know! I’d love to hear about it.
      Good luck!!!!
      Shelley 🙂

  4. I use to have migraines at least 8 times a month. If I didn’t have a migraine I was in the process of getting one it drug on for days before it would hit. Once it hit I was down for a couple of days. Anyway I saw an ad on of my friends shared on facebook. So a few days later I got a migraine I had it for two days. On the afternoon of the second day my 21 year old ask me if I heard about the piercing. I said I saw it on face fight after she took me to get it done. The guy pierced the first one I didn’t really feel any difference. When he did the second one it bleed a little and I felt it gushing out some. After I picked up my head the migraine was gone. I want to let people know it really works. It was 6 and a half weeks ago. I haven’t had a migraine at all. As a matter a fact I haven’t even had headache at all. Thank God!!! My friend and my daughter. Also thanks to the guy who.did the piercing for me. He was great it didn’t hurt at all. I had both done at the same time

    1. Hi Patricia!

      WOW! Thank you for sharing! Do you get migraines on one side? If so, which side did you initially get pierced on? Maybe that’s what made the difference? (I get my migraines on the right and got pierced on the right…)

  5. What great news!! I’m so glad you are doing better!

  6. Has anyone who pierced their daith already had their cartilage pierced? My body responds well to piercing, but my cartilage was a bad experience. It got infected and was sore for about a year (seriously). My ear cauliflowered occasionally and it was a nuisance. Please share 🙂

    1. This is my first cartilage piercing and after it kept getting infected I read dozens of articles and found that many people clean with soap or use antibiotic ointments and find that they do more harm than good. Once I stopped cleaning it with soap and stopped the ointments and started using that sterile saline spray it started healing. It’s been one week and it’s 100% better!

      1. With my cartliage piercing it took forever to heal and nothing worked for long; antibiotic ointment, saline wash, tea tree oil. So I got some colladial silver first aid gel which worked magically!!

    2. I don’t have a daith piercing, yet, but I do have multiple cartilage piercings and they haven’t all been symptom-free of cauliflower-ing or scar tissue bumps. My piercer is amazing and advocates for homemade saline solution with sea salt or portable wound wash. I use this for cleaning all open wounds now. It is a natural antibacterial and works to prevent hardening of the area and scar tissue build up.

      If you do start to get scar tissue bumps, she recommended tea tree oil…which is also excellent for wounds. A couple of drops of tea tree oil in a little bit of coconut oil also helps moisturize the area. (I used this for my nose piercing…I didn’t want a dry skin patch on the side of my nose)

      Once the area heals, if a bump persists, you can make a paste or ground aspirin and water, place it on the bump, and it will slowly get rid of the hard area – it itches a bit, but doesn’t hurt.

      I hope this information helps with you piercing care!

      1. Hi Michelle!

        Thank you for the tips! 🙂 Hopefully I won’t need to use them. Since I used that wound wash, I’ve been all good. But I do have tea tree oil on hand!

    3. Hi Desiree,

      On my left I had a helix piercing which developed a keloid and never healed leading me to take it out completely 6 months after a change of jewellery in case of allergy and still not healing. I had it a very painful and frustrating 19/20 months and the keloid never healed until I took it out. My ear completely rejected it. Fast forward a couple of years and I now have my helix and tragus on my right ears and they have healed quickly and painlessly. I don’t sleep on any side in particular as I wriggle all night but I do tend to wake up on my right side so the first piercing issues probably weren’t linked to that. My first helix on the left also hurt like hell to get pierced but the right side didn’t. I want to get my daiths done on both sides as a long sufferer of daily headaches which develop into migraines and I’m sick of popping pain meds all day every day to be able to function. I’m nervous of issues on my left side but that is the side most of the migraines originate from so I guess anything is worth it if it offers even a minute chance of being free from migraine.


  7. Heather Barker says:

    I just got my first one done this past Saturday. Will wait a bit for it to heal more and then get the second one done. I did them one at a time so that I would be able to sleep on one side for the first couple of nights. So far so good and I get migraines frequently so hopefully when the second one is done it make me a happy gal once again.

    1. Oh Heather, I hope you have great results! Please come back and share! 🙂

  8. Thank you so very much for posting this article about migraines and your results with your daith piercing. I have been suffering from migraines for years but over the last few months they have gotten quite severe and I’ve about maxed out on any medication. In a few weeks I’m undergoing a couple of procedudures with a neurologist which one includes trigger point injections into different areas of my neck and back and then another procedure than involves catheters being inserted into each of my nasal cavities and having medications instilled. This last procedure gets done three days in a row which I’m not looking forward to. After reading about your daith piercing, I’m going to find where I can have it done as soon as possible in hopes to avoid all those other things which seem horrible!!! Thank you sooooooo very much!!!!!

    1. Wow Susan! I’m sorry you are suffering so much! I hope you have the best experience with this piercing. Please come back and let us know how it goes!

      1. Dawn Helm says:

        Hi Shelley, been looking into getting this done, 17 yearswith migraines..I’ve tried everything, botox worked for a year or more than it just stopped working.. Next BIG thing was Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery on both sides of my head… First 10mts were unbelievablely Wonderful, 1st vacation in years were I didn’t spend a day or 2 in bed.
        Then just like botox it stopped working.
        Soooo this is next… Question: where did you get it done ?? I keep reading tattoo polor, is there any other place to go ??
        I’m sooo OVER these nasty migraines. Hubby is going to retire in a couple years, and we want to tour the U.S..
        It would be Wonderful to do this without having 2 or 3 migraines a week…

        1. Hi Dawn,

          I just went to a tattoo shop but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to ask you doctor’s opinion, or find a piercer that’s familiar with doing this piercing specifically.

          I so hope you find relief!

    2. Susan, I’ve had the same procedures done. The trigger point injectionso did not help a bit. When the steroid was injected each time, it actually burned and stung. It made me hurt worse, as far as pain. My migraine stayed the same.
      The procedure with the nasal area last for about 2 weeks. After that, I continued having migraines every day with different severity.
      I’m anxious to hear if you went through with the procedures and/or the daith piercing. I’m going to try the daith piercing as soon as I can find someone I trust with it. I’ll update everyone once I get it done. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and saying a prayer! Thanks for your pist!

  9. I get migraines for days on end and most of the month. I’m considering piercing both sides as my migraines can often present on either side. Where did you get the salt solution spray from? My biggest concern in the salt water and doing it often enough. I am glad to hear you were able to work through the infection. It is something I get concerned about. But 20 to 25 days a month with various levels of pain and a lack of desire to deal with numerous trial and error meds, has me highly considering this slightly less invasive approach. Fingers crossed, my results will be worth it.

    1. Hi Corrie,
      Ugh, I feel your pain. I wish you the best of luck if you decide to get the piercings. I got the Wound Wash on Amazon. I ordered a whole bunch of it and put one in my purse, one in my travel bag, one in each bathroom. That way I do it at least 3 times a day. Now, (everything is fully healed) I just do it once before bed.
      Please come back and let us know how you’re doing!

  10. I loved reading your blog, today is my third day in a row with a migraine, I still work and do everything I have to do as a mom. Today I got a daith piercing, it hurt so bad. I tried taking a nap but I sleep on the side I got it on. I am nervous about cleaning it because my piercer told me dial soap but I don’t understand how to clean it. I am excited to see if the faith piercing will work because my next option was botox and that was going to cost me $750. I too plan on writing my results down.

    1. Hi Tami!
      Oh how exciting! I really hope you have good results. As for sleeping, I went through the same thing at first. Ended up sleeping on my arm a lot to avoid putting pressure on my ear. But that won’t last forever. Now that the soreness is gone, I can sleep freely.
      As far as cleaning goes, I highly suggest the wound wash. Soap was actually irritating mine and causing more problems than anything. The best was a cotton ball soaked in hot salt water for the first few weeks. Now I just spray once a day with the wound wash and everything is fully healed.
      Let us know how you’re doing!

  11. Brandi Fry says:

    I just got mine done today. Mine are hormonal so around cycle, and praying it helps. Has yours helped even with your cycle ones? Thx!

    1. Hi Brandi!
      Yes, it has helped. The only 2 in six months were a combination of hormones and life being EXTRA hard. But they were nothing like I’ve had in the past. Lasted just a few hours as opposed to days. I hope you have great results! Please keep us posted. 🙂

  12. Iv had my daith peiced since April and I too have a lumpy thing but on the under side of my peircing. Do you find the saline spray is helping to reduce it? If so I would buy some as dying to change my standard bar to something a bit funkier!

    1. OMG yes! That bump was recurring for MONTHS until I started using the saline spray. It was gone in less than a week! 🙂

      1. Andrea Jankelow says:

        I’ve had a lot of piercings in my ears and the best think I find to heal the cartilage bumps is tea tree oil mixed with a little water. It’s like magic.

  13. Tamra Ratieta says:

    my 13 year old daughter got hers done a couple of months ago and its really helped her. I also highly recommend the saline spray, that is what our piercer recommended also. =) here is a link to the piercing studio that we went to… they have a care for your earrings that is really good…. =)
    someone else had mentioned other cartilage piercings. My daughter and I both had extra cartilage piercings done. Our piercer used extra long earrings that allow for the swelling in your ear and then after several months they will put in shorter earrings. =)

  14. I use to have migraines multiple times a week. Well, on Oct. 6, 2015 I got the daith piercing.  Two days later my brother did the same thing.

    I haven’t had another migraine since. My brother has had only a few. He also had a few that were spotted by wiggling the earring and it stopped.

    It’s a miracle.

    I went into this a little sceptical, but not any more.

    A little history… I had menstrual migraines, ones triggered by stress, exertion, heat, certain smells & pitches of sounds, sometimes from no apparent trigger.

    Having them since I was 16 y/o (40 years) I had my food triggers already figured out.

    It really has been a wonderful miracle for me and my brother.

    My niece also use to get migraines and her’s stopped several years ago. Once we started talking about the daith piercing, she figured out hers stopped back when she got her daith pierced just for a piercing

    1. Hi Tammy!
      Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It really is a miracle. I had all the same triggers you mentioned as well. I’m still going strong and these last few weeks (life turned totally upside down) should have had me flattened and out of commission with migraines, and I didn’t even get an aura!

    2. Hi Tammy
      I have had bad migraines for 20+ years and food triggers are a real problem for me too (as well as stress, lack of sleep, weather).
      I wondered if after your daith piercing you have been able to eat any of your trigger foods?
      Thanks Tracey

      1. Hi Tracey,

        I have to agree, certain foods are still major triggers (sugar for me) but I’ll just get an aura and not the headache. I shouldn’t be binging on sugar anyway, but it’s definitely an improvement to not have a full blown migraine headache from a few Christmas cookies!


  15. Do you still have good success with your piercing? I have constant migraines and I have tried just about everything and this is kind of my last ditch to be able to function normally.

    1. Hi Samantha,

      I am still going strong. And life has really put this to the test. I’ve recently been going through some of the most stressful life events and NO MIGRAINES! Before this piercing I would have been down for days during periods of this kind of overwhelming stress. I hope you get similar results if you get pierced. If anything, it’s worth at least trying. 🙂 xoxo

  16. Any feedback regrading this piercing helong with anxiety?

    1. Hi Layne,
      Hmmm… I’ve actually never considered or researched this. However, thinking back, it might be safe to say that I do have less anxiety after this piercing. That could be a result from less migraines though. I was always terrified to get them and frantically avoiding triggers–which in itself is stressful. I don’t think I’ve ever suffered true anxiety the way some others have. My sister struggles horribly with it, and I know that what I’ve experienced in only a fraction of what she goes through. So, to answer your question, I am just not sure. Perhaps, my sister needs to get pierced!

  17. Tamra Phelps says:

    thanks for sharing this. I have several family members who get migraines & this might help them. Sharing!

  18. Cathy Morgan says:

    Thanks for sharing. I was migraine free for quite some time but they have come back with a vengeance. I’m scared of the pain of piercings but I hate the migraines stealing my life!

    1. Hi Cathy,

      So sorry to hear your migraines are back! I had a couple years migraine free as well and then suddenly WHAM! But this piercing was so incredibly worth it. I’ve heard of people having way more pain than I did with the piercing but not that many. And, honestly, I was sore for about a week. Now, I barely remember because the fact that the migraines are basically gone, trumps any soreness caused by the piercing. 🙂

      Best of luck with whatever you decide! <3

  19. Did you have overall ear pain following your piercing? It’s only been a few days, but I almost feel like I’ve got an ear infection or something and my cartilage is red and swollen. No signs of puss when cleaning it or anything though.

    1. Hi Jackie,

      Hmmm… I had sort of an overall soreness, but nothing red. You may need to get that checked. The redness is concerning to me. I don’t think this area gets much puss, so that may be a sign of infection. Have you tried the wound wash? I swear that stuff works miracles!

      Best of luck! Keep us posted on your progress! (How are your migraines post-piercing?)

  20. Thank you for posting about your experience and updating as time goes on!! I have constant severe migraines- only a few hours a week I DONT have one- and since the medicine I’ve been on hasn’t been working as well I’ve been considering the daith piercing. There just is not much out there on it. My only concern was pain while piericing and healing? At this point I’m borderline desperate but still a little hesitant of needles lol

    1. Hi Amber!

      I understand your hesitation. Needles don’t bother me much, but this is such an awkward area to have pierced. It was desperation that finally drove me to do it. I got it done WHILE having a horrid migraine headache.
      If you’re going to do it, find an experienced piercer you are comfortable with. Mine was so sweet and knew exactly what she was doing. The whole thing was done in 3 minutes. I didn’t have much, if any, pain (just pressure) that day but soreness the following days that a couple IB profen handled just fine.

      I wish you all the best! Let us know what you decide! 😀

  21. I’ve been thinking about getting one of these,and I think y’all just sealed the deal with me. Im just worried it’s going to hurt bad,and my pain level is low with my constant nausea. Should I be worried? 🙁

  22. Hi Lisa!

    I understand your fear. All I can say is the pain of the piercing is nothing compared to a migraine!
    I hope you have a great experience. Let us know how it goes! 😀

  23. What were your migraine triggers? Do you think this piercing would help with hormonal changes induced migraines (no aura, light and sound sensitivity with nausea).

    1. Hi Amber,
      Triggers for me include, stress, hormones, tension, lack of sleep, too much sugar… seriously, it was like any wrong move could bring one on.
      As for hormonal migraines, it has helped with mine. I notice I still get a slight aura and light sensitivity around the time just before my period, but no headache.
      I hope this helps! Let us know if you decide to try the daith piercing! 🙂


  24. I have approximately 15 migraines a month. I have to take Maxalt whenever I get one. I have tried everything to prevent them including Botox, but nothing works. I met with a body piercer today who talked to me about how he has done the Daith piercing. I am very excited and planning on getting it done. Thank you for sharing your experience. It has helped me to feel more comfortable with my decision. I figure if it works, life will be wonderful and if it doesn’t, then I will have a cite piece of jewelry!

    1. Hi Tamera,
      Oh man. I’m so sorry. Ugh, I hated Maxalt! Made me feel like my brain was burning. 🙁
      I really hope this works for you! Sending all my positive vibes and luck your way!

      Please let us know what happens!

  25. Thanks for this info! I’ve been considering for a while but unsure about whether it would help with the type of migraines that include the visual halo. My migraines sound almost identical to yours. I get the visual disturbance and have about 15 minutes to take meds (otc, generic headache meds here) the halo lasts about 30 mins. Always praying I take the meds in time. If not, nausea and full on headache. I’m very light sensitive ( which seems to be all the time, but worse with the headaches). Quick question, sorry if it’s in the comments above but I found your awesome info during a halo. Did the halos disappear as well, except for the handful of headaches you’ve had since the piercing? I think I’m going to call for an appointment soon!

    1. Hi Trish!
      For the most part my visual stuff has gone away completely. I will occasionally get a little light sensitive but it’s super rare.
      I hope this helps!
      Let us know what you end up doing! 🙂

  26. A friend told me about daith peircing so the next “good day” that I have I will get it done. I am so excited because I’ve had migraines or headaches since I was a little girl. I’m 47 now and I’m still dealing with them, worse than ever. I’m talking 5-7 days a week. I can’t work, but I’m super lucky to have a great husband who gets me take out or throws in a pizza whenever I can’t cook, which is a lot of the time. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. I’ve had to cancel my own birthday party once, last Valentine’s Day, Christmas, several Thanksgivings and Easters. No one can count on me for anything. So if this works, it will change my entire life. I’m on 11 medications a day and I’m doing medical marijuana now, as it is legal in Minnesota. It works great when it works, but you have to be ok with being high as heck. Anyway, I’ve had childhood trauma too, and I’m so sorry for whatever happened to you, Shelley. It’s a common denominator of migraine sufferers. Though I don’t know anything about you, my heart goes out to you.

    1. Hi Brenda!

      Oh, I so hope this works for you. I’m so sorry you’ve been suffering for so long! Thank you for your kind words. Sending positivity and luck your way! <3

  27. The ‘bubble’ can be taken care of with lancing and this solution. If it’s too late for you maybe it will help someone else.
    1 cup distilled water
    1/4 tsp NON IODIZED SEA salt
    2-3 drops of tea tree oil

    I used this solution and lancing in the same kind of ‘bubble’ on my outer cartilage…4 DAYS later the ‘bubble’ is GONE!

    1. Hi Tee!

      Thank you so much for leaving this here! Thankfully, my bubble is gone, but if it ever comes back…

      Thanks again!
      Shelley 🙂

  28. Mary james says:

    I have had mine daith for about 2-3 months and imeadetly following the pircing i had head aces for about a week but before i was haveing at least 1 a week(during school and the year before i was having multiple migranes a week, i believe due to school related stress) but after the first week or so i stoped having migranes. But after the first month i got a keloid on the top and soon it went away i thought nothing of it and cleaned as usual (with rubbing alcohol but no salt water soaks) but soon the bottom got a huge keloid that was persistent and growing so i contacted my pircer and she told me my body was rejecting the metal jewlrey so i switched to plastic and a few days following the keloid was gone and the swelling went down. I am now doing sea salt soaks. And the pain is going away and so far i have had a bad migrane which i slept off but i believe was due to hormones or a sinus headace.

  29. Paul dalton says:

    I’ve always gotten a few migraines a year.typically treated by an er visit with demerol or morphine and scopalamine.
    I hate the opiate effect, so recently they use thorazine, and it works well.
    I recently had a minor stroke.the worst part other than fear was a persistent headache.not at migraine level but really THERE if you know what I mean. A friend from work suggested this rather than the codeine my dr had prescribed. ( see previous opiate rant)
    30 seconds after the piercing my headache began dialing back- it’s now fully gone ( it actually feels like something is missing) and I must say- TOTALLY WORTH IT!I recommend this fit anyone who suffers from the brutality off migraine.my daughter is getting one tomorrow.

    1. Wow Paul! Thank you so much for sharing your story! So happy to hear you’ve found relief!

  30. I did mine because I thought it looked cute, I have not had a headache or migraine since. However, they take forever to heal and doing the saline wash/rinse three times a day is imperative (yeah, I forgot about doing it too).

  31. Hi Jen,

    Yeah, it’s definitely a tricky spot for healing. I just had mine bubble up again because I stopped the saline wash. I can get away with just doing it once a day, but I just stopped and obviously, it’s not fully healed. :/
    No complaints though, being migraine free is so worth it!

  32. I got my daith pierced in both my ears. I got the left first in Sept. of 2016 and the right the beginning of this year. I noticed the difference right after I got the left side done. Since I got that side done I’ve only had 2 pretty bad migraines that I took away with one Imitrex. I love my piercings, even though they hurt alot more then my cartilage or nose did. My healing process is going alright. My only problem is sleeping since both ears are done and I can’t break myself from being a side sleeper. So any advice on that would be appreciated. I tell people all the time now who suffer from migraines to give this a try and see if it helps you, if you can get some relief from a 60-80 dollar piercing what do you have to lose. It’s also very nice to come across this page and read some good results people are having.

    1. Hi Amanda!

      I, too, found it difficult to sleep on my pierced side for several months. It was easier with a smaller piece of jewelry. But now that it’s been nearly a year, it’s not really an issue.
      I hope you continue to have relief from the migraines!


  33. Jennifer Owens says:

    I got my daith pierced on the right side two days ago. I had a headache, (not a full blown migraine but, it was getting there), when I went to get it pierced. Within a couple hours I noticed the headache was fading away. The piercing didn’t really hurt except when I accidentally bumped it at home! I still have neck pain but, have actually gone two days now without my head aching. I’ve been getting migraines for the last 15 years with an increase to about 8 a month in the past couple of years. I’ve been to the neurologist, had an MRI, had cortisone injections in my neck once a month for about 6 months, went to the chiropractor, endured more cortisone injections in my back and neck, i was put on several different preventative medicines but they all made my blood pressure drop to low, and was prescribed Imitrex pills and injections for “rescue meds”. I was to the point of not even knowing what it was like for my head to not hurt everyday and then the migraines would come on every two to three days. I work 12 hour shifts under fluorescent lights and every other week we work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I can count on having a migraine every Monday when I’m off. I’m really excited to see what happens during this weekend and if I still get my Monday migraine or not. I only paid $30 for my piercing and if it truly gives me some relief I would pay 100x that!

    1. Hi Jennifer!

      OMG… please let us know how you feel on Monday!!! Fingers crossed you have relief!

  34. Nicola sutherland says:

    Wow, thank you for taking the time to keep this journal! my brother has just told me about daith piercing for migraines. I have had migraines since I was 11 but in the past year they are out of control. The past 6mths I have averaged 1-2 a week lasting 2-3 days and I am barely functioning. I have tried many new treatment options, including daily tablets, which have been unsuccessful due to serious side effects or they simply didn’t work! I will be getting a daith piercing tomorrow and hope for a miracle ☺ my migraines are behind my eye but usually with neck tension and I get aura about 80% of the time but they can be either side so I guess I just get one side done for now and see how that goes (currently 2nd day of pain on the right so I think I’ll go for that) I am cautiously optimistic

    1. Hi Nicola!

      You’re in my thoughts and I wish you the best results! Please come back and let us know how you’re feeling!

      🙂 Shelley

  35. I have had a migraine every day since January 1st. I have 4 kids and do not have time to be locked in a dark room. I read this whole blog hoping to find one person say it did not work and did not find that. I think I am going to give this a shot. I do not want to over think it or I will not do it. LOL! My friends say it seems like a lot of maintenance but if it could stop 19 years of migraines, it would be worth it.

    1. Oh gosh Jodi, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been hurting for so long! I’d say it’s definitely worth a try!

      Wishing you all the best!!!

    2. I, too, have been pouring over every comment and testimonial!! Just trying to gather up the courage to go get it done, I guess! I’ve had bad migraines for 10 years. I have some sort of a headache daily and even if it isn’t migraine intensity, it is generally light sensitive. I’m currently on preventive meds, Rx rescue meds x2, Botox injections (32 shots per treatment every 3 months) again –first time was 7 treatments which lasted almost 3 years before the migraines started intensifying again– and I see a Chiropractor and an Orthodontist to attempt to find relief.

      1. Oh Carmen,
        I feel your pain. I truly hope you find something that works! Let us know if you try the piercing! It’s really not bad–I only emphasized all the stuff I went through so people would understand that problems can happen. But for the remaining 98% of the time–I don’t even know it’s there.
        Shelley 🙂

  36. NJ Taylor says:

    I only read one comment mentioning weather related migraines. Mine attack me when a front is coming through and that is often. They usually last three days. I’m trying to wean myself off Med’s, but have reverted to Imitrex when I can’t stand the pain any longer. Usually then it is too late to help much. I know I’m supposed to take it when I feel it first coming on. I’m also trying Essential Oils but haven’t found the right combo yet. I’m going to check into finding someone in my area who will do the Daith piercing safely. I don’t do well with pain! Is a onetime piercing suppose to last a lifetime? (Or two if doing both ears) Thank you for you input and your journal. All the comments that others have posted are helpful to me.

    1. Weather was a huge deal with me. I’m already a weather geek, but preferred not to have my body be a human barometer. I got the piercing and it immediately stopped. Now we’ve had some severe storms come through and colliding of fronts. The side not pierced I could feel like oh I might get one, just half my face. Then poof gone. I may still eventually get both because I don’t mind piercings. But I’m having this bubble problem too. I had my nose done and no problem. I think this placement just traps dirt easier especially when I work outside and swim in lakes for a living. I also wasn’t good about the 3 a day cleaning. That’s how I ended up here. Her ear looked just like mine does now. But great ideas and hopefully now on the road to a perfect piercing ?

  37. Does every piercer know how to do this

    1. I think your best bet is to call around and ask. 🙂

  38. How well does this work for non-migraine headaches? I have headaches related to a neck injury from a car accident about 3 years ago. They were getting much better after PT, but the headaches have recently changed. However, they are not migraines. So I’m wondering if this would help at all. Have you heard anything about that? Thanks for all your dedicated information!!

    1. Hi Pyper!

      Sadly, I don’t know the answer to this question. Hoping someone else can chime in! Sorry to hear your headaches are back. 🙁

  39. I was on the fence about getting it done, but I think I’m going to go for it. Worse case scenario it doesn’t work but I still get a cute piercing out of the deal… I also imagine it won’t hurt much more than getting my nose pierced or getting a tattoo on the top part of my ankle.

    1. Hi Sam!

      Best of luck! Please come back and let us know how you’re doing! 🙂


  40. HI, literally got this daith piercing yesterday in my right ear, migraines normally on right side. I had had a migraine all weekend leading up to this and today head tingling and feels pretty migraine again this afternoon and this evening. Although not immediate results, I am still keeping open and crossing fingers, I have tried almost everything else and the last several months I have had a couple a week lasting 2-3 days, it’s ruling my life, stopping me from going to the gym and makes it incredibly hard to function 🙁 the piercing itself was painful, but I also put numbing cream on prior which I think helped. Will let you know if get improvements, regardless, I am glad I small giving it a go.

  41. Hi Michelle!

    Oh, I hope you get relief! Let us know how you’re doing for sure!

  42. Thank you for sharing this. I had a lot of questions about my piercings. You answered them all.

  43. I just started a new job 2 months ago and have called out three times. I’m so worried I’m going to get fired because of my migraines. I am going to really think about getting this piercing. Which I never even heard of until a friend just mentioned it to me. I’m worried about it getting infected because I have I have a compromised immune system. I had my eyebrow pierced once and although I cleaned it and turned it in the regular it got infected all the time. But I also found out that I’m allergic to nickel. Has anyone else with a compromised immune system tried this?

  44. Over the years, I have had so many people tell me to “stop” doing this or “stop doing that” to prevent my migraines. I have about 20 triggers that I know of and according to my doctor, I would have to live in a bubble, not eat and that probably wouldn’t prevent my migraines. When I was out one day and had a migraine, a total stranger told me about these piercings. I researched it and read all of your comments before deciding to get one done. I had tried everything possible to prevent my migraines (including cutting my work hours in half) and thought I would try it. I have continued to have migraines since getting the piercing. They actually seem to be worse lasting 2-3 days. I have about 2 days a week without a migraine. I am now trying to decide if I should leave the piercing in for at least 3 months or take it out now. Thank you for all of the information that you have put on here.

  45. I have had migraines for 25 years. I finally got the courage up to get the daith piercing. The “tattoo artist” appeared to know what he was doing and my companion had no clue. Well, he pierced the wrong part of my ear. It is in the rook portion. I didn’t know until the next day. Any feedback on portions of the ear that is pierced?

  46. I too have suffered for years from migraines. I used to sleep them off but now they last several days. I can’t take anything much due to epilepsy as a child. I was having 1-2 week lasting up to 3 days at a time but I am currently pregnant and having about 1 week lasting about 24 hours. I saw this on a pregnancy blog by another migraine sufferer. My question is I have them on both sides… sometimes right sometimes left. Do I pierce both ears?

  47. I have had migraines for about nine years if not longer I have cerebral palsy the doctors told me that I would never get rid of the headaches because my brain has attributed I have had the daith piercing and after one day my migraines are gone

  48. At the follow-up on the daith piercing it has no bearing two weeks and I have yet to have a migraine minor headache once in awhile but nothing to aspirin can’t take care of I used to hide in a room just to survive

  49. The best thing I can tell you is be diligent on cleaning it it will work if you do

  50. Can anyone share the size of the Daith jewelry that the initial piercing requires? Than you!

    1. Hi Gail,

      I have a 16 gauge in there but my girlfriend who got it done had to go with something smaller, I think because she has a smaller daith? Not totally sure.

  51. This is so good!!!
    I really want to chop my head off sometimes!! I definitely have to try this. Question: Do I have to pierce both or just one ear? If so.. which one.. ??

  52. Do you know if anyone with seizures as well as migraines have used this method?

  53. I just got mine done today. I went with a migraine also I felt a bit better but it didn’t take it away. Now I’m worried if they didn’t get the “right point” my rt ear I felt a almost point pressure but my lt I didn’t feel anything… so I need to go back and ask or just wait it out?

  54. Hi,
    I am 24 and suffer from migraines for 5 years or longer now. I have them 3-4 times a week and I’m ready for anything now. I found out about daith piercing and I was reading many reviews about it. I’m very surprised what people are saying about it and it gave me hope which I lost after going to doctors and hearing the same thing. I’m gonna do the daith erring (love how it looks too)I just have one question. Does it matter which ear you pierce? I just wanna be sure. 🙂

    1. Pierce the side that you have the pain on… for me that was the right. 🙂
      Good luck!!!

  55. I had my daith pierced June 2016. Believe the piercer when they tell you that it takes 1 year to completely heal. I also had the swelling and pus because I forgot and wore my ear buds. I was instructed to use Bactine to clean the piercing 3x a day. I also used teatree oil to help with healing.

    However, the piercing did reduce the amount of migraines I had. I still get seasonal/weather changing migraines, and I will never be able to control that. But, that is so much better than having an 8 hour shut down your whole day migraine.

    Just make sure that you follow the directions that the piercer gives you and it will heal perfectly. I am now going to find a designer earring for the hole. 🙂

  56. I’m 44 years young and I have suffered with migraines my whole life. My mom, sister and brother also suffers with them also 3 of my 5 kids so far too. I’ve had cat scans done with and without contrast and the doctors know exactly where my migraines stem from. I have a cist on the left center temporal lobe on my brain and on the pineal gland. Which is what causes the seizure and the headaches. I have what the call cluster headaches and then there’s the migraines. . We (me and my doctors) call it a seizure disorder, because I’m controlled on medicine. I’m, I guess you would say…..one of the lucky ones. But believe it or not my hormone levels are still within normal range. I’ve taken so many different medicines and only short term reliefe. I’ve had the Botox even done. Which is very expensive. My insurance covers it, but you still have the out of pocket cost. And if there is any of you that has taken or is taking Trecndie XR be careful of the side effects. I started to loose my hair by the hand full. It’s, fine now, but made me really depressed. Every thing I’ve taken or do…..takes awhile to start working then they work for a short term and then no longer work. It’s an up hill battle. Then in 2015 I was diagnosed with a DVT in my right leg. The clot was from my groin to my ankle. With ferther blood work I was told I have Factor 5, which means a blood clot disorder. So now I’m limted to what I can take. I’m on blood thinners and I’m not sure I can have anymore piercings but I’m going to look into this for sure. I want to take my life back more then you can ever know. So, I’m hoping I can do this. If there is anyone out there on blood thinners please let me know if you’ve had it done or looked into to. I’m even on a low dose of asprine a day with all my other meds. I pray for you all that have to suffer with this.

  57. I’ve been a migraine sufferer for roughly 30 years now. I’ve had brain scan, spinal injections and all manner of food allergy tests. If this piercing works and helps reduce the frequency and intensity of my migraines, it really will be a miracle.

    Thank you do very much for posting all this information, there are obviously lots of sufferers out there who need help. I’m going to inquire tomorrow about getting a daith piercing.

    Marie xx

  58. I wish I’d known about the connection between this piercing and migraines two years ago before I started botox treatments. Botox has more or less cured two of the three types of migrains I get but I still don’t like injecting toxins into my head lol. After reading this post and other blogs I’m going to try out a daith piercing now. It might help with the third type of migraine that I get and at the very least it will look super cool lol.

  59. Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences here. I learned about daith piercings about an hour ago and have been reading about them with great interest. I got my first migraine at 5 or 6 and have been a regular sufferer ever since. Like many women, puberty made my migraines worse, but I was “fortunate” enough to need an endometrial ablasion about 8 years ago that had the added bonus of alleviating some of my migraine symptoms as well. Now I’m starting to have menstrual problems again and also noticing a spike in the frequency of my migraines. I have an appointment on Monday to get things checked out, but if the specialist wants to drag her feet or take a wait and see approach (often the case here in Canada), I just might leave her office and head for the tattoo parlour. It’s been 35 years, I’ve tried every doctor recommended approach under the sun, and I’m tired. What do I have to lose? Nothing. That’s what. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    1. Oh, good luck Rebecca! Sending all my positive energy your way!!!

  60. Bettina Solesbee says:

    Hi I just got my daith pierced and that’s pump formed and I’m going on vacation in a few weeks do you think that the pool or ocean water would do anything to the bump or piercing? Thanks so much bettina

    1. Hi Bettina,
      I don’t think it will be a big deal as long as you still clean it regularly (like 3x a day) with the sterile saline spray. That’s the ONLY thing that got rid of the bump for me.
      Good luck! 🙂

  61. Hey,

    You should be able to get rid of the “bubble” by using tea tree oil instead of saline. Also take zinc for quicker healing. Cleared my conch bubble up and I’ve not had a single problem with it in 12 years since! 🙂

  62. I got the Dath Piercing on May 10, 2017 after suffering to the point were it was debilitating since that Monday. I’ve suffered from migraines since I was in middle school I’m 32 yrs. old now. I’ve had ct scans, blood work, done water detox therapy, taken prescribed medicine, over the counter too, you name it and nothing helped. It’s now July 17, 2017 and I’ve noticed I only get lingering headaches that last 3-4 days BUT only a small portion of the left side of my head is tender which is the side that my migraines always stayed on. I totally recommend trying this piercing it’s worth it if it means you can stop poisoning your body by over-medicating it with stuff that isn’t working. The healing process is the challenging part because you want to clean it with q-tips and not have a crusty/bloody looking ear and not sleep on it or forget you have it. I also recommend getting the piercing when your migraine is in full motion so you can notice and document the relief timing.

  63. Hi I had a diath piercing done in my right ear 5 weeks ago now and it has vertually stopped my migraines on my right side, however I have recently had a couple on my left side,so I will be getting the piercing done on the Left side this week hopefully,as I seems to have worked on my right side,for me it seems to have worked anyway. Certainly headaches are by a long way better.corinne,

  64. Dola King says:

    I won’t recommend this for everyone but I have an extremely high tolerance to pain so after doing a LOT of research and watching video’s on the placement, I took a piercing earring and did my daith piercing myself, under sterile conditions. I don’t suffer from migraines. I’ve had a constant headache every day since I injured my back in September 2016, bulging a disc in the thoracic region of my back. Nothing would ease it, let alone make it disappear. For me, this was more of a “what do I have to lose” attempt. Within 15 minutes, my almost year long headache had disappeared and 48 hours later hasn’t returned. I’ve had 2 complete nights of sleep for the first time in what feels like forever. I clean it with antibacterial soap and water, flush it with peroxide and use antibiotic ointment with pain reliever in it. I changed the piercing ring immediately to a 14kt white gold diamond stud to improve my chances of it not becoming infected. By the way, I’m a 54 year old female who can handle pain levels up to an 8 before the first tear falls lol

  65. 18 years of migraines, tired of pain and suffering. I walked into a place that just does body piercing with a migraine on top of it all. And had it done in both ears. I had relief in the first ear right way and start to cry because it help alot. I also get acupuncture too. So, I know it will help alot. It hurts a little but the relief is the best ever.

  66. Patricia Moore says:

    Hi, I have linked back to your post and acknowledged your concern about the usage of your picture in my post.
    Please check yourself:
    You have correctly written about the migraines healing aspect of daith piercing, however, I’ve written about its basic points like the cure, prevention, healing time etc and a short paragraph on migraines healing aspect.
    I’d be so much happy if you could link back to my post as well so that your readers could find more information relevant to you post.

  67. Hi There i done the migraine piercing 2 days ago maybe I’m just paranoid ad expect it to work immediately but i have a slight pain since the piercing i just hope it will heal faster really i have been suffering with these migraines for over 20years now and os tired of medication.
    just hope and pray this really works
    thanks all for sharing

  68. Hi! I found your blog after googling daith piercings looking specifically for the bump along with it. I had mine done 7 weeks ago and right next the the piercing a tender spot has appeared. I can’t pick at it and it just doesn’t seem to be healing. I haven’t been good at making up the salt water to wash it, a pain like you said, but I don’t know how long to expect for it to heal.

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